[CUCBC Captains] ZOOM LINK Re: Captains meeting Today 7pm

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Sun May 16 10:12:27 UTC 2021

Dear Captains,

Please see the link below for the Captain's meeting at 7pm. We will be
using Zoom. *Please change your name to name, college and position when
joining *(e.g. Joe Bloggs, Porterhouse Women's)- this is to allow efficient
minuting and ensure proper representation. Please join muted with your
video off.

Topic: CUCBC Captains’ Meeting
Time: May 16, 2021 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 4550 6804

Any issues with joining, please let myself and/or committee know via email.

I will also endeavour to make real-time changes to the proposal, which will
be shown here (captain's login needed):

The agenda will be as follows:

1.->*Proposal and vote of amendments: *
1.a.--->Girton Women seconded by Magdalene, Robinson, MBC: to amend 6.3 to
allow novices to race more than once per day, in the intention to help fill
senior boats. (Girton Women to speak)
2.a--->regarding Subs; hypothetical options to gauge captains opinion to
the following options, with possible amendment/vote: (CB to speak)

   1. Substitutions are allowed only for people who haven’t finished exams
   (in which case sub for any race / races is fine), for other compulsory
   academic commitments, or for varsity competitions.
   2. As above, but only applies to Seniors. Novices can have substitutions
   for any reason.
   3. All divisions can have substitutions for any reason.

3.->*Discussion and vote on racing dates *(Committee to open, Open
4.->*Discussion on the proposal as a whole, with vote. *(Open discussion)
5.->*Information regarding marshalling and umpiring *(LZ to speak)
6.-> *Information regarding Smaller Boats Regatta *(MT to speak)
7.-> *AOB * (Open forum)

If you have any last-minute amendments please do ensure you have a seconder
to propose and bring this to the meeting. Similarly with seeking
clarifications please bring this to the meeting.

All best,

On Sun, 16 May 2021 at 01:21, Limeng Zhu <limeng at cucbc.org> wrote:

> Dear Captains,
> Please see the link below for the Captain's meeting at 7pm.
> I will also endeavour to make real-time changes to the proposal, which
> will be shown here (captain's login needed):
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/13-h7QdTW9hv5JhAVi3RKsOQsXxX3Z7kNh2iOIPL5bZ4/edit?usp=sharing
> The agenda will be as follows:
> 1.->*Proposal and vote of amendments: *
> 1.a.--->Girton Women seconded by Magdalene, Robinson, MBC: to amend 6.3 to
> allow novices to race more than once per day, in the intention to help fill
> senior boats. (Girton Women to speak)
> 2.->*Clarifications*
> 2.a--->regarding Subs; hypothetical options to gauge captains opinion to
> the following options, with possible amendment/vote: (CB to speak)
>    1. Substitutions are allowed only for people who haven’t finished
>    exams (in which case sub for any race / races is fine), for other
>    compulsory academic commitments, or for varsity competitions.
>    2. As above, but only applies to Seniors. Novices can have
>    substitutions for any reason.
>    3. All divisions can have substitutions for any reason.
> 3.->*Discussion and vote on racing dates *(Committee to open, Open
> discussion)
> 4.->*Discussion on the proposal as a whole, with vote. *(Open discussion)
> 5.->*Information regarding marshalling and umpiring *(LZ to speak)
> 6.-> *Information regarding Smaller Boats Regatta *(MT to speak)
> 7.-> *AOB * (Open forum)
> If you have any last-minute amendments please do ensure you have a
> seconder to propose and bring this to the meeting. Similarly with seeking
> clarifications please bring this to the meeting.
> All best,
> Lee
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