[CUCBC Captains] Overtaking crews.

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Mon May 17 12:45:20 UTC 2021

Dear All,

At the Captain's meeting yesterday we asked all clubs to ensure they are
maintaining safe navigation, especially around the gut area.

Unfortunately we have received reports from members today that there have
been "blind" overtakes from crews coming by around bends and corners,
especially on the bend on the Promenade, which have almost caused

Individual clubs will be contacted as a warning, unless the
navigation/safety offense is extreme enough to warrant a fine and/or
removal from the river.

This is for your own safety, the safety of your crews and those using the
river. *You MUST NOT overtake if you cannot see it is safe to.* Even if the
crew you are overtaking has given permission to 'come by', it is up to your
cox and crew to ensure it is safe to. Bank parties can cycle ahead to check
the river, coxes have overall responsibility and should refuse to overtake
unless they are confident it is safe to do so (i.e. they can see clear
water, or a bank party has checked there are no oncoming crews.)

*If the situation does not improve we will not hesitate to ban clubs who
are putting the safety of their members and the members of the collegiate
and town rowing community at risk.*

The CUCBC Committees.
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