[CUCBC Captains] Meeting Mintues and reminders

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Thu Oct 22 22:45:28 UTC 2020

Dear all,
Please find the minutes from the last captain's meeting attached. Please
let me know any errors/omissions on this, or if you have any questions.

A couple reminders:

EMM- Rota is available and you won't be reminded to do your EMM slot.  Many
thanks for highlighting whether the BR guidelines (i.e. cox eye protection)
are being followed on the EMM sheet, this is helpful for us. Please can you
continue to record this on the EMM sheet. Link to instructions and form are
on the minutes.

Club information on CUCBC website- Please update this ASAP. Many clubs have
outdated information, we need to keep up-to-date records of the Insurance
policy. Pester your predecessors if you don't have access. Safety
declarations need to be done by your safety officers as well (we will also
email re this in due course).

I will send around a reminder and will email a voting mechanism for the
recently approved rule regarding tub pairs at the start of November, as we
need to review this before the 4th.

All best,
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