[CUCBC Contacts] Two Boat Rule in operation from Monday 25th November

Tom Grimble tom at cucbc.org
Tue Nov 19 18:50:40 UTC 2013

Dear all

The number of crews in the early mornings have reached unmanageable levels
in the last week, therefore restrictions on the number of crews allowed out
each morning will be imposed starting next Monday 25th November.

*Starting next Monday each college may only have 2 boats on the water **at
any one time **between lighting down and 0830hrs in the morning.*

 This rule applies to IVs and VIIIs but not to small boats (singles, pairs
or tubs etc).

Clubs in breach of this rule will be fined £50 for a first offence, £100
for a second offence and a one week training ban for the whole club for a
third offence.

Full details of the rules can be found


Tom Grimble
CUCBC Honorary Secretary
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