[CUCBC Coxes] 15 Minute Rule & Life Jackets

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Mon Jan 30 17:43:32 UTC 2017

Dear all,

The CUCBC Executive Committee has decided to enact the *15 Minute Rule*, as
defined in Rule 2.b. here: http://www.cucbc.org/handbook/earlies

"*Only first eights* may boat within the *first 15 minutes* after Lighting
Down or after the allowed boating time on Saturdays and Sundays. All other
crews may boat 15 minutes after Lighting Down."

The rule will take effect from *Wednesday 1st February inclusive*, i.e.
second boats and IVs may not boat until 07:24 on Wednesday.

Secondly, a reminder to coxswains regarding life jackets when coxing bow
loaded boats. You *MUST NOT* use* automatically inflating life jackets*
when coxing a *bow loader*. If the life jacket doesn't have a pull chord to
inflate, assume it is an automatically inflating jacket (meaning it'll
inflate upon submersion in water). If a bow loader capsizes, an automatic
life jacket can inflate, trapping you in the boat under the water, so it is
imperative you wear a manual one which you can inflate if required when
you've gotten out of the boat.

Captains, please ensure the above messages reach your VCs, LBCs and coxes.

Best wishes,
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