[CUCBC Coxes] Fairbairns Coxing Documents

Jack Ellis, Fairbairns Secretary jcbc-fairbairns at jesus.cam.ac.uk
Sun Nov 23 21:29:59 UTC 2014

Hi all,

The documents attached will be of interest to both novice and senior 
coxes who are taking part in Fairbairns.

Thanks to all of you who came along to the coxes meeting. Attached are 
'Coxes Notes for Fairbairns', which are more in depth than the 
presentation. After safety, the most important bit to get right is the 
start marshaling procedure, as there are a large number of boats facing 
in both directions on a thin stretch of river. So it is important that 
you are know where you want to go and how you will be getting there. I 
hope it was clear today but if not this should help.

The second document, 'Coxing Fairbairns for Newcomers', is advice for 
taking the hardest corners on the course. Though reading this is no 
substitute for practicing (where permitted by CUCBC). Some of the 
document is aimed at people who do not normally row on the Cam (i.e 
there is no need to look things up on Google Maps!) so you can ignore 
this. Novices will only need to take the first two corners mentioned, 
and those racing in a IV the first three.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I will do my best to answer them 
myself and if I can't I will forward them onto a senior cox at Jesus for 



Jack Ellis

JCBC Fairbairns Secretary 2014-15

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