[CUCBC Contacts] May Bumps 2011: Friday Results and Notes/Fines

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Fri Jun 17 22:35:35 UTC 2011

Results from Friday’s racing are now available at
http://www.cucbc.org/mays/results. Saturday’s start order is attached.


Notes from the Umpires

·         Thank you for another good day’s racing despite the weather!

·         The towpath is likely to be very busy tomorrow. Please be
courteous to others and watch where you are cycling!

·         Be careful with umbrellas when cycling – do not hold them out to
the side of the bike and if standing by the towpath, please make sure your
umbrellas are not going to get in the way of cyclists.

·         Bank parties are strictly limit to 4 cyclists (or runners). This
will be enforced strictly on Saturday and crews will be heavily penalised if
bank parties impede the umpires.

·         Please do not leave litter on Stourbridge Common or First Post
Reach. Take your empty water bottles with you, they don’t weigh much...

·         There is a wasps’ nest on Grassy Corner. Please be careful.



Fines may be appealed by e-mailing Dr Holly Hedgeland, CUCBC Senior
Treasurer (seniortreasurer at cucbc.org) within 48 hours.

·         Caius – Late marshal - £15

·         Christ’s M4 – Foul and abusive language - £30

·         Christ’s M4 – Bank party jumping in to push bows around corner –
coxing lessons

·         Churchill M1 – Failure to hold it up on bumping - £50

·         Clare M1 – No lifejacket (from Thursday) - £50

·         Emmanuel M1 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         Emmanuel M1 – Celebration before clearing - £30

·         First and Third W2 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         Fitzwilliam M3 – Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15

·         Homerton W1 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         King’s W2 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         LMBC W2 – Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15

·         Magdalene W1 – Excessive deforestation (carrying most of a tree
back home) – chopping wood

·         Peterhouse W2 – Failure to clear - £25

·         St. Catharine’s W2 – Excessive bank party - £15


And a special mention to LMBC W1 for safely conceding a bump and clearing
the river quickly.


Dan Wilkins

CUCBC Honorary Secretary


E-mail: dan at cucbc.org



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