[CUCBC Contacts] May Bumps 2011: Friday Results and Notes/Fines

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Thu Jun 16 23:41:02 UTC 2011

Results from Friday’s racing are now available at
http://www.cucbc.org/mays/results. Friday’s start order is attached.


Notes from the Umpires

·         Thank you for another good day’s racing and for baring with us
with a couple of delayed divisions due to the need to rerow part of the M5
division, though with everyone’s co-operation we managed to make up time and
run back on schedule by the end of the day.

·         Please do not leave litter on the towpath, including empty water
bottles at the start – take them with you (they do not add much extra weight
to the boat!) or get bank parties to collect them.

·         Please be courteous to other users of the towpath and watch where
you are cycling!

·         Bank parties are strictly limited to 4 cyclists (including the
Boatman and any VIPs). This becomes especially important on Friday and
Saturday when the towpath will get busy with spectators.

·         Do any of the Colleges who run races still have any CUCBC bibs
lying around? If so, we would appreciate them back.



Fines may be appealed by e-mailing Dr Holly Hedgeland, CUCBC Senior
Treasurer (seniortreasurer at cucbc.org) within 48 hours.

·         Christ’s W2 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         Clare M2 – Foul & abusive language - £20

·         Corpus Christi M2 – Failure to concede and dangerous coxing - £50

·         Homerton W2 – Failure to hold it up on bumping - £50

·         Jesus W4– Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15

·         Murray Edwards W2 – Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15

·         Pembroke W4 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         Selwyn W3 – Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15

·         Sidney Sussex W2 – Ignoring marshals’ instructions - £20



Dan Wilkins

CUCBC Honorary Secretary


E-mail: dan at cucbc.org



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