[CUCBC Contacts] University Fours

Chris Kerr culrc at cucbc.org
Sun Oct 31 23:02:36 UTC 2010

Dear all,

Thanks to a last-minute surge in volunteers, the Uni Fours will be going ahead 
as planned. There have been a couple of alterations to the timetable to take 
into account crews scratching, but those directly affected should already have 
been contacted.

Please be aware of the following points:

1) Hours of darkness - now the clocks have gone back, it will begin to get 
dark not long after 4 pm. Even if the last race in your event is scheduled to 
end before 4pm, delays can and do occur, so the racing may overrun long enough 
that you will have to return to the boathouses in twilight or after dusk. All 
racing crews, with the possible exception of those who have an odd round as 
the first race of the day then go straight home, should carry lights.

2) Clothing - the weather forecast for the next few days is relatively good, 
but you will still have to sit around for tens of minutes while other races go 
off. Make sure you wear enough that you are still warm when it is your turn to 

3) Bow Balls / heel restraints - committee members may make [pseudo]random 
spot checks of bow balls, heel restraints and other safety equipment. If your 
boat is found to be unsafe, you will not be allowed to race.

4) Marshalling times  - One crew being late to marshal can delay racing for 
everybody. While I will obviously be lenient to crews who are late because 
their previous race was delayed, any crew turning up late to their first race 
of the day will be given an official warning equivalent to a false start (if 
they are less than two minutes late for their marshalling slot) or 
disqualified (if more than two minutes late).

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.

Chris Kerr
St Catharine's College
CULRC Hon: Sec: 2008-11

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