[CUCBC Contacts] Novice Crews and Overtaking

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Sat Oct 30 17:09:44 UTC 2010

Hi all

With an increasing number of novice coxes out on the river, who will just be learning how to steer an VIII and moving slowly, you are reminded of the need for patience when you are stuck in traffic.

Only overtake another crew when it is
a) Safe to do so
b) There are no crews coming the other way
c) You are not on a bend (including under the Railway Bridge)
d) You can safely get around them and back to your side of the river without impeding them or other crews
e) You have asked to "come by" (and received a response) so that everyone is aware of the manoeuvre you are attempting to make.

It is generally considerate for slower crews to let faster crews by (and to keep tucked in so they can get by), though faster crews should not overtake unless the above conditions are met! Though please be aware that when overtaking a novice crew they may have difficulty getting out the way as new coxes are getting to grips with steering. Please be patient and do not just go charging through at full speed!!

Dangerous overtaking can lead to potentially serious accidents - let's not let them happen!


Dan Wilkins (Jesus College)
CUCBC Honorary Secretary

E-mail: dan at cucbc.org

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