[CUCBC Captains] QErgs 2023 - Provisional Draw and Instructions for Competitors

David O'Loughlin davidoloughlin at cucbc.org
Wed Nov 1 12:35:29 GMT 2023

**Sent on behalf of Tim, QErgs President** 


Hi Captains / LBCs,


Hope you're all getting excited for QErgs this Sunday - just a couple of
admin things from me.


Provisional Draw


Please find the provisional draw for QErgs 2023 here
OK3cu_Dc/edit?usp=sharing> . Timings should be fairly clear, and if any of
your crews can't make the allocated time please contact us at
qcbc-ergs at srcf.net <mailto:qcbc-ergs at srcf.net>  by 12:00 this Friday so the
draw can be updated.

Divisions have been split into upper and lower boats as far as is possible
to keep the racing fun, and the 3 fastest crews from each upper division
will progress to the finals, alongside the three fastest lower boats. In the
finals, the crews will battle it out once again, with the overall winner and
fastest lower boat being determined during the final.

As such, please ensure all your competitors can both make it to both their
division and the final, should they progress through to the final.


T-Shirt Collection


T-shirts will be available for collection from 1-6 PM this Friday from the
coaching room at the Queens' College Boat House. When you arrive, head up
the spiral staircase and there will be someone in the coaching room you can
collect your t-shirts from. As always, there's a wide range of sizes
available, however, these are handed out on a first come first served basis,
so if you arrive particularly late, you may find all the popular sizes have
been handed out already. If you've paid for extra t-shirts, then just let us
know when you come to collect!

Finally, you'll only be able to collect t-shirts if you have returned a
fully signed copy of the rules and instructions document.


Rules and Instructions


Please make sure all your competitors have read and understood the Rules and
Instructions for competitors
PhV0/edit?usp=sharing> , and that you've emailed a fully signed copy of this
document to qcbc-ergs at srcf.net <mailto:qcbc-ergs at srcf.net>  for each of your
crews. As mentioned above, you'll only be able to collect your t-shirts if
this has been done.


Hope this all makes sense, and if you have any questions, please contact us
at qcbc-ergs at srcf.net <mailto:qcbc-ergs at srcf.net> .


All the best, and can't wait to see your crews tear it up at QErgs 2023!




QErgs President 2023


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