[CUCBC Captains] Tideway coxing briefing - tonight
Isabel Nimmo
izzy at cucbc.org
Tue Mar 8 19:26:26 UTC 2022
Dear all,
Ro has asked me to pass on the following list of links ahead of tonight's
*Tideway Advice 2022 Links for racing*
• *VIDEO 1 *h <https://youtu.be/Wfs4EC-V6wQ?t=1m>ttps
<https://youtu.be/Wfs4EC-V6wQ?t=1m> good example of getting ready for the
start and spinning
• *VIDEO 2 https://www.horr.co.uk/wordpress/coxing-the-tideway/
<https://www.horr.co.uk/wordpress/coxing-the-tideway/>* - great video – on
the HORR website but relevant for any Tideway Head
• *VIDEO 3 *https://youtu.be/UZpUM8XqPg0 HORR/WeHORR racing line cox
eye view
• *VIDEO 4 *ULWBC W1video https://youtu.be/SuUZjLyjRZc?t=3m Great
video to see the whole course and good coxing
• *VIDEO 5 *ULBC M3 boat video:
https://youtu.be/tBxtgA8qo_c?t=9m45s showing
the rough conditions that you can get round Hammersmith
Tide times
Weather (Met Office)
WeHORR competitor info
WeHORR draw
On Tue, 8 Mar 2022 at 10:38, Isabel Nimmo <izzy at cucbc.org> wrote:
> Dear Captains and Coxes,
> Just a reminder of the talk tonight by Ro Thompson on how to get the best
> out of marshalling and racing on the Tideway (so WEHoRR and ManHoRR for
> most of us).
> The talk will be tonight, at 7:30pm and online:
> https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTAxYTA3YzgtYjE0NS00YTFmLTk5NjUtMGRkNzdjZTMzMjRl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2249a50445-bdfa-4b79-ade3-547b4f3986e9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a0030cd7-7173-4507-8b36-3fc1b1dbf235%22%7d
> I strongly recommend this to all coxes racing on the Tideway, as well as
> anyone who'd like a better understanding of what marshalling and racing on
> the Tideway involves.
> Hope you've all recovered from last week!
> Isabel
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