[CUCBC Captains] Clarifications on June Eight's regatta proposal + Smaller Boats Regatta

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Fri May 14 20:35:11 UTC 2021

Dear Captains,

Many thanks to those who attended (which represented a small cross-section
of clubs) and the questions/clarifications sought; for the benefit of all
please see the below. I'll email out on Saturday after 7pm the agenda with
any/all proposed amendments and joining instructions.

All best
*Clarifications on Eights regatta:*
*Timing of each day's races: *We will be keeping as close to Bumps timings
as possible, and intend to run races in the afternoon and evening. Small
changes to division timings may be needed within the aft/eve to maximise
the number of races we can get out of a day. (Considering that exams for
w/c 21st are either all day or morning only,  this would also allow more
members to race.)

*Boat categories: * We intend to run the Eight's regatta for Eights only,
and have arranged the Smaller Boats Regatta for those who can only field
Fours and smaller boats for this reason. Do remember that the relaxation of
Subs rules means you can ask for Subs from other clubs, so it may be the
case that an eight can be fielded with inter/intra-club assistance.
If, however, it becomes apparent that the vast majority/all clubs can't
field an Eight, then it may be considered. (But again, to highlight we have
the Fours category in the Smaller Boats Regatta for this purpose).

*Use of weekends for all races:* Cam Conservancy have no issue with us
booking weekends, however we must be considerate of other river users,
notably so town rowing clubs. They would be in their right to complain to
Cam Conservancy if we went down this route, which would make future river
event bookings difficult. It's a fine balance and this is why we would
prefer not to use all weekends. Plus, we have five racing days (GoR + 4
days regatta) and only 4 weekend dates available; thus we must use a
weekday as well.

*W/C 21st June date option: * if Captains preferred to hold the race w/c
21st June, then to avoid taking the whole weekend we would then ask the
question of racing Monday-Friday, or Tuesday-Saturday. But with this, we
keep the consecutive days' racing and the fun this entails.

*Novices subbing into senior races*: This would be a change to the proposal
and we would welcome an amendment (currently being tabled). It would mean a
change to allow novices to race in novice division and senior division
(which we assume to be the lowest senior boat).

*Clarifications on Smaller Boats Regatta*
*Scheduling issues: *If members have exams on these days, please email in
to us (Either to Matthew or Committee) and mention the constraints you are
working with, as we will do our best to accommodate the majority of these
in scheduling races
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