[CUCBC Captains] June Eights Regatta - Captains' Meeting this Sunday

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Fri May 14 18:30:28 UTC 2021

Dear all,
I'll keep this link open until c.8:30pm if anyone has any
questions/clarifications they wish to ask,

Link: https://timeout.srcf.net/lz394-ehd-6nd-km0
Passcode: 267661

All best,

On Thu, 13 May 2021 at 14:46, Limeng Zhu <limeng at cucbc.org> wrote:

> Dear Captains,
> As mentioned, we will be hosting an informal forum for captains only
> tomorrow at 7pm, where clarification can be sought on the proposal, and to
> facilitate amendment-making and efficient voting at the Captains' meeting
> on Sunday. This forum will last for as long as captains wish (as I, quite
> depressingly, have nothing on in the evening).
> This is in addition to the formal Captains' meeting, so there is no
> obligation to join, and any pertinent points, i.e. amendments, will be
> raised in the captain's meeting. I will also produce a short summary for
> captains and committee post-meeting with clarifications.
> As this is informal please do (where possible) turn your video on. *Please
> indicate your college/position in your name, otherwise I won't admit you. * (e.g.
> if I were still Girton Captain, I would be "Limeng, GCBC Overall") This is
> so I can keep track of how much representation there is and note down the
> proposer/seconder of any amendments made.
> Link: https://timeout.srcf.net/lz394-ehd-6nd-km0
> Passcode: 267661
> If you have trouble joining, do email me on the day, I'll be checking my
> inbox.
> Any questions and clarifications you'd like beforehand please email
> through, I'll do my best to answer them tomorrow.
> All best,
> Lee
> On Thu, 13 May 2021 at 00:16, Matthew Temple <matthew at cucbc.org> wrote:
>> Dear Captains,
>> Many thanks for being patient with us. Below is our detailed proposal for
>> the June Eight’s Regatta. We have three options available for race dates,
>> which we would like the Captains to decide between (via a vote) at a
>> meeting *this* *Sunday 16th May at 7pm*.
>> We are proposing the rules of racing in their entirety: if you wish to
>> propose an amendment to any part of this proposal, please do this by
>> email with names of seconder (e.g. Proposed by Gorton, seconded by
>> Porterhouse, Sodney and Kongs) to committee at cucbc.org by* 7*pm, Saturday
>> 15th May to be added onto the agenda and voted upon.
>> Given the short turnaround time, there will be an informal forum held for
>> captains on Friday evening where clarification can be sought on the
>> proposal, and to facilitate amendment-making and efficient voting at the
>> Captains' meeting on Sunday. Details will be circulated ASAP.
>> With kind regards,
>> The CUCBC Committees.
>> Question to Captains regarding dates of the Regatta:
>> After discussion between the Committees, and with input from Senior
>> Tutors and the Cam Conservancy, the following dates seem viable and should
>> be considered as dates for the Eight’s Regatta. Following advice from the
>> Senior Tutors, we have decided the normal university May Bumps days (w/c
>> 14th June) are not an option due to the number of examinations held on
>> these dates. Note that none of these dates are a perfect fit, as such we
>> also list the advantages and limitations of each date:
>> Option 1: To run the races w/c 21st June
>> Advantages: Closest to normal bumps, likely within most students'
>> accommodation period
>> Disadvantages: Still some exams running.
>> This would be the preferred option from the CUCBC Committees, when
>> considering logistics, timing and gaining river closures.
>> Option 2: Run the races from 19th-23rd June.
>> Advantages: Still close to normal bumps, reduces number of exams running
>> as some racing on weekends.
>> Disadvantages: Weekend closures may not be acceptable to CRA, still some
>> exams running.
>> Option 3: An option for captains to vote on FIVE racing days (1 for GoR,
>> 4 for the Regatta) from the following: 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd,
>> 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th.
>> Advantages: Possibly more likely to find dates acceptable for more people.
>> Disadvantages: Issues of organising isolated days racing in terms of race
>> equipment hire (possibly higher entry fees), difficult to find days which
>> work best for all people, less time to prepare for racing on the 12th/13th.
>> Format of the Eights’ Regatta and Rules of Racing:
>> A side-by-side Regatta held on the Long reach. The Regatta will be run
>> subject to Bumps rules and Bumps fines where applicable, with significant
>> changes to accommodate for substitutions and the Regatta format (many
>> thanks to Pembroke for their information regarding Pem Regatta).
>> For this event only, the rules below will be in force. If there is
>> contradiction between the below rules and Bumps rules, the below rules
>> should be read as true.
>> 1. The Regatta will be raced from a standing start between the Stump at
>> the bottom of the Long Reach and Peter's Posts. These will be indicated by
>> flags on the bank.
>> 1.1 The length of the course is approximately 1100m. The course may be
>> shortened at the chief umpire's discretion should a houseboat or other such
>> obstacle present itself on the course.
>> 1.2 The race fee will be £50, reduced to £25 if, for any reason, a crew
>> only races the GoR.
>> 1.3 Full refunds will be provided for crews who scratch before the GoR
>> due to COVID-19 isolation.
>> 2. A Getting-On race will be run before the regatta to seed crews into
>> appropriate divisions.
>> 2.1 The length of the GoR will be the length of the Regatta course.
>> 2.2 The GoR will be run on ***Date TBC***
>> 2.3 Crews who opt only to race in GoR, or in the situation the regatta
>> is oversubscribed, will be refunded half the entrance fee.
>> 2.4 There is no 12-outing requirement however crews must be able to
>> competently race and steer, under penalty of disqualification at GoR
>> without half-refund.
>> 3. A Swiss-system tournament is to be used within each division.  Each
>> crew will race once a day, unless their opponent scratches.
>> 3.1. Races on the first day will be seeded
>> 3.1a. The subsequent days' race pairings will be based upon the previous
>> day's race results whereby winners will race winners and losers race losers.
>> 3.1b. Further particulars regarding race pairing will be released after
>> entries close, in order to accommodate as many racing crews as we can.
>> 3.2. The division winner is determined by the crew winning all their
>> races.
>> 3.3. Prizes will be awarded to winning crews in each Division. The
>> winner of the top senior and top novice division will be the overall winner
>> for senior/novices.
>> 4. There will be 10 divisions, subdivided by gender and novice/senior
>> crews, and we will aim to accommodate as many crews as we can.
>> 4.1 Any extra slots in mixed categories will be fairly allocated to
>> Men/Women according to the number of entries.
>> 4.1.1 A Mixed crew is defined as one with a maximum of 4 male rowers.
>> 4.2 Should it be the case that crew entrants exceed the maximum number
>> of races able to be run, qualifications will be based upon GoR time.
>> 4.3 Each college will have automatic entitlement to a senior and novice
>> crew of each gender entered. All crews must however race the GoR.
>> 5. Racing
>> 5.1 Crews will be started by the call "Attention" and then "Go".
>> 5.2 If the Start umpire judges both crews to be straight and ready then,
>> at their discretion, they may choose to call "Attention, Go" without
>> waiting for both coxes to indicate that they are ready, in the interests of
>> not delaying race proceedings.
>> 5.2.1 Crews which are late to the start, or who take an unnecessary
>> amount of time to get ready at the start, will be awarded a false start.
>> 5.3 Umpires will be present at the start and at the finish, and a Race
>> Umpire will cycle alongside each pair of racing crews. Crews must obey the
>> instructions of the Umpires.
>> 5.4 The race umpire will cycle alongside the bow ball of the winning
>> crew. Bank parties must not obstruct the race umpire.
>> 5.5.  In the interests of safety, bank parties are restricted to *two*
>> persons on bicycles. The use of loud hailers is prohibited.
>> 5.6. A crew will be disqualified from that race after its second false
>> start in the same race.
>> 5.7 Boats will race side-by-side and must keep to their station
>> throughout the race, irrespective of the position of the opposition. If a
>> boat moves to take the opposition's water it will be warned to move back on
>> station by the Race Umpire who will blow their whistle for a short burst (1
>> time for a first offence, 2 times for a second offence, etc.) and shout the
>> name of the offending crew, or both crews. The crew(s) in question must act
>> on this warning or they will be considered for disqualification at the end
>> of the race, either following the third offence or following a more
>> significant single offence.
>> 5.8 Unless unsafe to do so, boats must continue rowing until well past
>> the finish line. The emergency stop signal from the Race Umpire will be
>> continuous whistling, usually followed by sirens from static umpires.
>> 5.9 Subject to disqualification, the boat whose bow ball passes the
>> finish line first will be declared the winner. A dead heat may be awarded
>> at the Finish umpire's discretion. This will result in a re-row, which will
>> be incorporated into the next division of races.
>> 5.10 The decision by the Finish Umpire is final and appeals to the
>> decision by the Finish Umpire will not be entertained.
>> 5.11 Should a race require to be stopped, the race will be re-run with
>> both crews starting from the same position.
>> 6 Substitutions
>> 6.1 In the spirit of sportsmanship in consecutive-day racing, all
>> entrants agree to keeping crew compositions the same wherever possible
>> 6.2 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and examination periods, the
>> requirements for subs will be massively relaxed
>> 6.3 Standard Bumps restrictions apply (e.g. rowers may only row once
>> daily) with the addition of:
>> 6.3a Members of one club may sub into another, providing that the
>> receiving club crew is the lowest crew fielded and no individual from the
>> receiving club is available.
>> 6.3b In the event of self-isolation and exams, subs will be granted
>> however an email acknowledgement of substitution must be received from
>> 6.4 All substitutions must be approved by CUCBC, with an email to
>> committee at cucbc.org stating division, crew, individuals subbed in,
>> individuals subbed out. The threshold for CUCBC to approve a sub will be
>> extremely low; captains should expect the vast majority of these to be
>> approved.
>> 7. All crews must adhere to the marshalling plan and the instructions of
>> marshals and umpires.
>> 8. All clubs must provide marshals, the number of whom will be
>> determined by the number of entrants.
>> 9. All novice coxes must attend a novice cox briefing. A novice cox is
>> defined as one who has not coxed a regatta previously. Senior coxes may
>> also attend if they wish.
>> 10. We request that all members who have sufficient racing experience
>> volunteer to umpire this event, otherwise races and/or divisions might have
>> to be reduced due to lack of umpires.
>> --ENDS--
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