[CUCBC Captains] Marshals' Rota - Action Required!

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Fri Jun 18 15:10:39 UTC 2021

Dear all,

Apologies for circulating this so late - I appreciate you all have a lot on your plates sorting out subs for all of your crews, and I’m sorry to add to your workload. Unfortunately we’re all really busy too, so there just wasn’t time to get this out sooner (sidenote; if you know anyone who’d like to help with organising CUCBC races in future, please put them in touch - many hands make light work!).

The Marshals rota can be found here: https://www.cucbc.org/eightsregatta/marshals <https://www.cucbc.org/eightsregatta/marshals>

It’s essential that you send a marshal for each of your slots, as we can’t run the races without them. Marshals do not need to be particularly experienced, but please make sure they know how to pull a boat in without breaking its bowball off, and ideally use people who’ve competed in at least a few races before.

It will make everything run a lot smoother if all marshals familiarise themselves with both the marshalling instructions (for competitors) and the instructions for Marshals and Umpires (both available here: https://www.cucbc.org/eightsregatta <https://www.cucbc.org/eightsregatta>) before their slot. Please ensure marshals know where the start is, so they know where to go to check in.

If for whatever reason there’s no way your club can fill one of your marshalling slots, you can swap it with another college. Feel free to use the Captains list for this if you like. Once you’ve found someone to swap with, please email committee at cucbc.org <mailto:committee at cucbc.org> to let us know, CCing the other club.

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