[CUCBC Captains] Fwd: River conditions

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Thu Jun 17 20:54:23 UTC 2021

Dear all,

Please take a look at Peter’s email below, and ask all of your coxes to be aware of Rosie and the Eco boat (and presumably other cruisers, narrowboats and barges) being forced to take a more central line due to the vegetation and silt.

Best wishes,

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Camboats of Cambridge, River Tours - Private Cruises" <camboats at hotmail.co.uk>
> Subject: River conditions
> Date: 17 June 2021 at 16:50:57 BST
> To: Bill Key <billkey65 at hotmail.com>, Conor Burgess <conor at cucbc.org>, 'Dr David Munday' <chair at cucbc.org>
> Cc: Tom <river.manager at camconservators.org.uk>
> Afternoon folks
> A polite heads up to the rowing community
> Due in part to low river flows, the river bed vegetation is having a health spurt of growth, esp along Long Reach - just a few inches below the surface.
> My vessels, primarily Rosie and the Eco boat, are having to go wide of the bank by 5-6m at present as the weed wraps itself around the props and brings the boat to a halt/unable to control steering.
> Please cascade to Coaches, Coxes and rover as you see fit, we do our best to hug the bank but this is proving very difficult at present, trying to pass the boats on the inside near the bank is not recommend as there is not room.
> Maybe the Regatta next week will slice a bit off during the races?
> Regards
> Peter
> Skipper
> Camboats
> PS The silt around the inside corners of upstream past the Plough to Long reach and downstream past the Green Dragon are also proving very stubborn this year.  On each trip we try to stir a bit up, but going in too close clogs up the boats!

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