[CUCBC Captains] Fwd: !second pair of eyes before I send out please!: JER Important Further information

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Wed Jun 16 23:30:41 UTC 2021

Dear Captains,
Lengthy email again, please persevere!

The deadline for GoR swaps has now passed, it will now *not* be possible to
swap or move divisions as we prepare race paperwork.

*Clarification on GoR:*
In response to some queries
- All crews who race the GoR and demonstrate they can do the course at race
pace safely and competently will race in the regatta
- The fastest 16 crews in the GoR will race in division 1
- The GoR race timings will be used to seed the first day's races to allow
for the best possible racing
- The GoR times for each crew will be released to captain's after the end
of the regatta, to keep each day's racing competitive and exciting.
- Crews which are obviously unfit for racing (from a safety or competency
viewpoint) from GoR will be removed from racing with no refund of fees.
(e.g. a crew which cannot row all 8s, cannot spin at the P&E without
crashing and cannot row in a straight line, let alone race)

The final GoR division draws can be found here:

Information for the regatta will be published here:

Notes and fines on each day of racing will be published here (also on the
right hand tab from the eights regatta page:

Umpire's briefing details have been sent out; email committee at cucbc.org if
you have not received these and you are umpiring.

Novice Coxes' briefing will take place at *7pm this Saturday*, 19th June.
If your novice cox cannot make the briefing they must email in. *Novice
coxes must attend*; senior coxes, LBCs and captains are welcome to attend
to gain a refresher. Crews who do not know what they are doing will cause
delays. The joining link will follow.

Thanks for those who have already started to email these in. As per the
previous captains meeting we do not need to know the reason for the sub,
just the following information:
Date of substitution:
Crew having the sub:
Crew member subbed out (Name+CrsID):
Crew member subbed in (Name+CrsID):
Confirmation of the following regarding your sub/s: The Sub is a student at
your college, has not rowed with a town club this term and, if the sub is a
senior rower, will not be rowing in any other crew in the JER: (yes/no)
Feel free to use the above as a template for your email (please do- it
makes my life easier!), and we will email back confirming the sub. This is
needed in case of dispute/complaint/appeal and requests for more CUCBC
trophies if persons have subbed into a winning crew.

Note the CUCBC rules do not allow doubling up of senior rowers, but there
is an exception for novices for the JER as agreed by Captains (see JER rule
6.c.iii) , and there is generally an exception for exceptional
circumstances (ie accident/injury on the day of racing).

You *must* email committee at cucbc.org to scratch. If you fail to do so you
will disrupt all racing and annoy your intended opposition.

*Boat club bills:*
Still being drawn up, apologies for the delay. This will not affect whether
you can race the JER.

(For reference: Club bills, once sent and communicated to captains, must be
paid by the deadline shown, normally either the next CUCBC race or
Captain's meeting, otherwise the crew risk disqualification from CUCBC-run
races and being banned from the river.)

*Bank Party Sizes:*
Restricted to *TWO per crew.* You will be fined for anything over this, as
it risks overcrowding the towpath and compromising distancing practices.

*Ending point on COVID-19*
We are aware of the recent announcement delaying the final relaxation of
COVID-19 and we understand the need to stay cautious and vigilant and
respond to the rise in cases seen nationally and in Cambridge.
The current JER format has taken several factors into account: Numbers of
entries, competency and availability of crews, allowing all crews to race
fairly, requests from Cam Conservancy and COVID-19 distancing.

We have taken measures in organising the Regatta to limit the number of
individuals required to run the races and ensure there’s no contact
intended between any of the crews racing. However, even a relatively small
number of spectators on the towpath could make it impossible for us to run
the regatta safely and efficiently.
We cannot close the towpath nor Ditton Meadows to the public, but
spectators are strongly discouraged. If there are too many spectators and
it’s not clear that they are all obeying the maximum group size (currently
30) and observing social distancing, we may be forced to suspend the
regatta and cancel the remaining races, which would obviously be extremely
disappointing for everyone here.
It has been over a year since we have been able to run an Eight's event, we
ask you to spread the word and discourage spectators so that we are not
forced to cancel. *Public and Competitor safety is and must be our first

With Kind regards,

Limeng Zhu
CUCBC Honorary Secretary
On Behalf of Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
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