[CUCBC Captains] June Eights' Regatta: further details

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Sat Jun 12 21:05:45 UTC 2021

Dear Captains,

With entries closed, we have an impressive entry of 154 crews (41 senior
men, 43 senior women, 3 mixed senior, 27 novice men, 38 novice women, 2
mixed novice). This has resulted in a couple changes to allow marshalling
and racing of all crews and underrepresentation in the mixed division;
chief of which is we have had to adjust the finish from Peter's Posts to
the May's bottom finish, meaning the race course distance is now slightly
shorter at approximately 1km.

Thanks for being patient again with us whilst we draw up divisions and
instructions. Again, a lengthy email, due to the novel nature of this
year's racing; *Please read carefully* as we have had to account for new
factors in regards to marshalling and racing, and ask for clarifications if
any of the following is unclear. The website will be updated in due course.

*Divisions- GoR:*
Available here:
If you would like to arrange a swap, please either choose an empty slot or
arrange to swap with a crew from a different division. You must email CUCBC
of the swap and Cc the other crew. *The deadline for swaps is Wednesday
16th June, 10pm.*

*Divisions- Regatta:*
Given the low number of mixed crews entered, the mixed crews will race in
the mens' second division. The mixed crews will first race other mixed
crews to determine the division winner, then will be drawn and race with
those in the men's second division who have already lost at least one race.
This means we will have eight total divisions, the timing of which have
been amended and on the attached race instructions.

To keep the top division competitive and similar to regatta-styles, the
fastest 16 crews from the GoR will compete in the SM1, SW1, NM1 and NW1
divisions. As agreed in the captain's meeting, the winning crews from SM1
and SW1 will receive university medals.
The winning crews from all other divisions will recieve trophies, which
will be the crews which will win the most races over the four days. This
means that for some second divisions, tie-breaker races may be required
after the racing on the final day, which will occur in the next timetabled
division on the same day.

For information the division sizes are as follows:
SM1- 16 crews, 8 races
SM2+SX- 28 crews (3 from SX), 14 races
SW1- 16 crews, 8 races
SW2- 27 crews, 13 races
NM1- 16 crews, 8 races
NM2+NX- 13 crews (2 from NX), 6 races
NW1- 16 crews, 8 races
NW2- 22 crews, 11 races

*Marshalling and Race instructions- attached.*
Please Read Carefully: we have some large divisions and most importantly:
make sure you only spin under instruction.

*Marshals and Umpires *
Currently being drawn up, with provisional instructions for information
Many thanks for the over seventy individuals who have volunteered!

*Novice Coxes' Briefing*
Will be held virtually, likely on the evening of Saturday 19th.
*Novice coxes must attend*, any others who wish to have a refresher of how
a regatta is run are welcome to attend.

These are being compiled and will be sent out once ready.

*Locations of key points:*
Little Wooden Bridge- https://goo.gl/maps/xzbmJbUseAdsMjHc9
Race Start- https://goo.gl/maps/A6VU9f9eqwMn5tiq8
Race Finish- https://goo.gl/maps/3h4VJEkapyqN5z6d6
First Post Corner- https://goo.gl/maps/Q46PZMXR5USMsQwM8

Appreciating this is a lot of information on a novel racing style, I will
be hosting an informal* drop-in Q&A on MS teams for captains only tomorrow

We are looking forward to a good five days of racing, however are mindful
there is growing uncertainty regarding COVID-19 restrictions given the
emerging delta variant. The Senior Committee will keep this under review.

With Kind regards,

Limeng Zhu
CUCBC Honarary Secretary
On Behalf of Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
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