[CUCBC Captains] Smaller Boats Regatta 2021 - Results

Matthew Temple matthew at cucbc.org
Fri Jun 11 21:03:01 UTC 2021

Dear all,

Thank you to all competitors and marshals for facilitating the running of
SBR, especially given the challenges that everyone has faced over the past
year or so. Results are now available here <https://www.cucbc.org/regatta>
- let me know if you spot any errors.

Hopefully next year we will be able to return to the usual calendar of
events, with the University Fours Regatta provisionally due to run either
25th-29th October or 1st-5th November 2021, and Small Boats Regatta
25th-27th April 2022. If you are interested in helping to organise/run
CUCBC events next year (or you know someone else who might be interested),
please do let me or another member of the committee know.

Best wishes,

Matthew Temple
CUCBC Exec. Committee
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