[CUCBC Captains] Extraordinary Captains' Meeting, 27/09/2020

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Sun Sep 27 17:16:14 UTC 2020

Dear Captains,

Please find attached:
1) the Minutes of the recent Extraordinary Captains' meeting. ACTION-
please send any clarifications/edits to me by end of play, Friday 2nd
October. I shall publish these this weekend.

2) an Appendix, with detailed notes on Captains' Points raised during the
meeting. This is included as information only and will not be published
anywhere. This is included should you wish to remind yourselves of any
ideas that you want to follow up on or discuss with other captains.
We will circulate the details of the next Captains meeting, to be held
during the first two weeks of MT; do send any motions in the
intervening period.

As raised in the captains meeting, there was a general agreement that it
would be helpful if CUCBC created a survey for captains to share what they
are planning and their interactions with individual colleges. I shall send
the survey in the next few days, along with further information.

Should you have any questions that you would like to be added to the survey
please email them to me ASAP.

All best,
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