[CUCBC Captains] Fwd: May bumps cox briefings

Isabel Nimmo izzy at cucbc.org
Thu May 23 10:22:54 UTC 2019

Dear Captains,

Could I ask you to pass on the message below to your coxes please? I'm
aware that many (especially novices) may not be on the cox mailing list.

Many thanks, and best of luck for the remaining weeks of of training (and
exams where appropriate),


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Isabel Nimmo <izzy at cucbc.org>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2019 at 11:20
Subject: May bumps cox briefings
To: <coxes at lists.cucbc.org>

Dear Coxes,

The May Bumps Safety Briefings will be held on Sunday the 9th of June in
the QB Lecture Theatre in Emmanuel college (if you go in the main entrance
by the p'lodge, it's fairly well signposted).

The Senior Cox briefing will be held 6:30-7pm.

The Novice Cox briefing will be held 7-7:45pm.

Novice coxes (defined as those who have not competed *as a cox* in a set of
CUCBC* run bumps before) must attend in person, unless they receive prior
permission to miss it from the CUCBC Safety Officer.

Senior coxes (those who have competed before) may be represented by another
senior cox, provided that representative undertakes to brief them in turn
before the start of racing.

Members of bank parties and rowers who'd like a bit more insight into what
their coxes might be doing are very welcome to attend either (or both!)

*There will also be an informal (and very optional) Q&A with some senior
college coxes on how to race bumps well (in addition to safely) immediately
after at 7:45pm.*

Best wishes,


* CUCBC rules are somewhat different to CRA, Torpids, Eights and Oxford
town bumps, so I'm afraid they don't count.
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