[CUCBC Captains] Cox briefings

Robert Nimmo robert at cucbc.org
Tue Jun 13 22:10:29 UTC 2017

Dear Captains,

This is a gentle reminder of the changes to bumps rules voted on by you
earlier this year.

Specifically, that coxes must have signed into the coxes briefings, or been
briefed by a senior cox from their club (and if they are novice coxes, only
by prior arrangement with Mark Jacobs).

[See Rule 24 here: http://www.cucbc.org/handbook/racing/bumps]

Various coxes undertook to brief other coxes from their club at the
briefings on Sunday. This must have been completed before their first race

Best wishes for a successful (and safe!) week of racing to you all,

Robert Nimmo
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