[CUCBC Captains] Drones flying over the river

PETER CONVEY peter.convey at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 26 22:27:33 UTC 2016

Dear all
Various have asked, and we are aware that a drone was being flown at very low height over the river during M1 this afternoon, and possibly W1 too.
We do not know whether an individual or an organisation/company were responsible for this, and are investigating urgently. Plainly there are real safety concerns here, and the way the drone was being flown would appear to clearly contravene CAA regulations, the relevant ones of which seem to require an altitude of at least 50 m over a river or other public path/road.
I'm sending this message both for information and pre-emptively - we do not think this incident was associated with anyone from a club/college, but would seek your assistance in ensuring that noone from your clubs/colleges is tempted to use a drone near the river in the same way.
We are considering what our response will need to be, both in terms of engaging the emergency services, and if necessary delaying racing, if a similar siituation arises tomorrow. Such activity may constitute a criminal offence.

Chief Umpire, Senior Committee

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