[CUCBC Captains] 2015 Safety Declaration

Mark Jacobs mark at cucbc.org
Sun Oct 25 23:33:20 UTC 2015

Dear All,

Attached is this year's safety declaration, which should be completed 
and returned by your club's safety officer and returned to me by the end 
of Wednesday 4 November. An electronically completed form is acceptable, 
there's no need to print, sign and scan the form unless you want to. 
However, please do not send me a link to an online 'shared document'. As 
usual, clubs failing to submit their form before the deadline will not 
be permitted to boat until I've had the declaration.

Note also that this year's British Rowing annual audit is now live - for 
those of you who have not already completed this, it must be done before 
the deadline (which I believe this year is around the end of November). 
Clubs failing to do so will not be able to enter BR events in the new 
year, including HoRR and WeHoRR. If you do not have access to the BR 
system, you should contact your predecessors in the first instance for 
login information, and BR themselves in the second instance.

Any questions, on either the CUCBC declaration or the BR audit, let me 


Mark Jacobs
CUCBC Safety Advisor
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