[CUCBC Captains] Row-Throughs for Emma Sprints

Daisy Savage ebcvice at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 13:34:51 UTC 2014

Hi again,

Thank you to all those who have sent me requests for row throughs. If you
have outings planned for Sunday please let me know when you plan to pass
through Sprints so things can run as smooth as possible. I have attached a
copy of the row-through timetable - please just pick a slot for travel in
each direction and I will make a note of it. Please try to be on time for
these slots as we won't be able to halt racing to wait for senior crews.

If you have any queries don't hesitate to send me an email,

Best Wishes

*Daisy Savage*


Emmanuel Boat Club

Phone: 07716 452797

Email: EBCVice at gmail.com

Web: www.ebc.soc.srcf.net
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