[CUCBC Captains] Rule 26. Avoid Spinning at Ditton

Tom Grimble tom at cucbc.org
Sun Jun 2 18:26:19 UTC 2013

Dear all

Just want to bring your attention to the fact the following rule is now in

*"That during the ten days preceding the Lent and May Bumps and the week
preceding the University Fours Races, no boat may spin between the Little
Bridge and Peters Posts except at its own risk."*

Please try to work your outing plans around this from now until bumps. The
reason for this is to reduce the risk of collisions between the large
number of crews doing full course pieces and any pileup of crews waiting to
spin at Ditton.

This should also make it easier for everyone to practice racing the full
bumps course so following it is in everyone's best interest!

Tom Grimble
CUCBC Honorary Secretary
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