[CUCBC Captains] 2012 Water Safety Statement

Mark Jacobs mark at cucbc.org
Thu Oct 18 20:48:01 UTC 2012

Dear Captains,

Attached is the 2012 Water Safety Statement, to be filled in and 
returned by your club's Safety Officer. The deadline for return is the 
end of Week 4, i.e. 31 October if my diary is correctly sync'ed with 
that of the University. Please note that phyiscal signatures are 
unnecessary - it is enough that the response originates from the email 
address of your Safety Officer.

There should be nothing new to you this year, aside from a request from 
British Rowing that we aid them in tracking local participation in the 
sport. However, should you have any questions or would like to discuss 
any points further, please contact me.


Mark Jacobs
CUCBC Safety Advisor
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