[CUCBC Captains] Lent Bumps 2011: Thursday Results and Notes/Fines

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Fri Mar 4 00:45:46 UTC 2011

Results from Thursday's racing are now available at http://www.cucbc.org/lents/results

I attach the start order for Friday.
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*Notes from the Umpires*
Thanks for another good day's racing.

Remember that the first division of the day (M4) starts 40 minutes earlier tomorrow (13:20). Crews should be on station 10 minutes before.

Please remember that bank parties are limited to 4 per crew. This includes anyone who may join your bank party part way along the course.

A special mention goes to Jesus W1 for extreme holding on to the bung with the cox almost pulled out the back of the boat!

Fines may be appealed within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent by e-mailing Dr Holly Hedgeland, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at cucbc.org).

- Emmanuel - Failure to provide marshal - ?15
- Caius W1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15
- Churchill M1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15
- Clare W1 - Late concession - ?20
- Corpus Christi W1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15
- First and Third M2 - Excessive bank party - ?50
- Lady Margaret W1 - Excessive bank party - ?50
- Murray Edwards W1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15
- Queens' M1 - Excessive bank party - ?50
- Robinson M1 - Failure to clear - ?30
- St. Catharine's W1 - Foul & abusive language language - ?25

Dan Wilkins (Jesus College)
CUCBC Honorary Secretary

E-mail: dan at cucbc.org

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