[CUCBC Captains] Lent Bumps 2011: Thursday Resulrs and Notes/Fines

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Thu Mar 3 00:05:12 UTC 2011

Results from Tuesday's racing are now available at

I attach the start order for Thursday.

*Notes from the Umpires*
Thanks for another good day's racing.

Please make sure that you marshal on time for your division. Crews racing in
the first division of the day must be pulled in ON STATION 10 minutes before
the division starts. Today we were running 5 minutes late all day due to
crews in the first division arriving late.

Please be considerate to other users of the towpath - when cycling with
crews, please watch out for members of the public who may be walking,
running or cycling.

Remember that bank parties are limited to 4 cyclists per crew. This includes
the boatman, senior treasurer, college master and any other VIPs. Exceeding
the allowed bank party size can interfere with umpiring and be potentially
dangerous if there are too many cyclists on the towpath.

Fines may be appealed within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent by e-mailing
Dr Holly Hedgeland, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at cucbc.org).

Addenbrooke's M1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15
First and Third M1 - Bank party caused member of public to crash his bike
owing to not looking where he was going/being unable to see through is hair
- The price of a haircut
Girton M1 - Excessive bank party - £50
Jesus W1 - Not knowing where the finish is - Increased risk of getting
Murray Edwards W2 - Late concession and failure to clear - £40
Queens' W1 - Failure to hold it up on bumping - £40
Wolfson M1 - Excessive bank party - £50

Dan Wilkins
CUCBC Honorary Secretary

E-mail: dan at cucbc.org

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