[CUCBC Captains] PLEASE TAKE NOTE - Thank you

Richard Hamersley chair at cucbc.org
Thu Nov 25 13:31:39 UTC 2010

TO:         Captains
               Boatmen and Coaches / Bank Parties

FROM:    Chairman CUCBC

THURSDAY 25th NOVEMBER 2010 at 1.30pm

Dear ALL

Clare Novices start today and the Fairbairns are just a  week away.

I am aware that the pressure is on - it has ever been so for many years.

We have had a nasty collision this morning.

I am aware that there may well be Novice crews out without coaches and bank
parties. This is strictly contrary to our Rules.

We have to put a stop to this practice now, before there is serious personal
injury, which would certainly jeopardise rowing on the Cam at the present
density of boats.

CUCBC are charged "to ensure safety on the Cam" for our all Clubs and

I ask you please to report to us ANY UNACCOMPANIED NOVICE CREWS as a matter
of urgency. Send your Report (with boat registration number) promptly to Dan
Wilkins, our Hon. Sec. please.
dan at cucbc.org.
(or me in a crisis on 07870 5545 17).

The safety of ALL athletes on the river is at stake here, including Town
Clubs.  With Novice crews trying to push for last minute speed, an
unaccompanied crew getting it wrong can be a "missile", as we have just


Can I ask that all Clubs check that the bow and stern white lights on their
boats are in working order; batteries charged and spares available. And if
any boats which do not have these already fitted, would you please take the
necessary steps.

The LAST DIVISION each day in the Fairbairns particularly, (though CLARE
NOVICES should be aware also),  will probably start in gloom and will
undoubtedly finish in "restricted visibilty" if not darkness (in front of
the Cam Conservators at Baitsbite), so the requirement is to light up in
"restricted visibility" (easier to do this before the Start). Better to be
seen than not at all. Do not to wait to until Lighting-up time.
(International Collision Regulations and Cam Conservators Bye-Laws).


A POLITE APOLOGY with a smile will go a long way if your crew makes contact
with a moored boat. Don't hesitate. River boats are being informed about the
Fairbairns, as it is a big two day event. I have also been in touch with the
Cam Conservators and their website, under "River Users" - "Diary of Events"
has listed the Fairbairns details also; closure times and course:
http://www.camconservators.co.uk/events_all_detail.asp?id=541, so river
users should be aware.

We have no CUCBC "Coaches" website as such, so would you all please do your
best to see that your Coaches/ Bank parties get a copy of this email. They
are in the "hotseat" on the riverbank and can assist greatly in the safe
passage of their crews and good conduct on the river.

Thank you for listening.


Richard Hamersley
Chairman CUCBC

Richard Hamersley
Chairman CUCBC

19 Lovell Close
Wootton Manor
Tel/fax/ansafone: 01491 414 294
Mobile:                07870 5545 17
Email:             chair at cucbc.org <chair at cucbc.com>
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