[CUCBC Captains] URGENT: Blade Clashes / collisions

Richard Hamersley richard.hamersley at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 15:25:28 UTC 2010

TO:      College Captains

FROM: Chairman CUCBC

TUESDAY 23rd November 2010
At 3.20pm

Dear All

I have apologized to the City sculler that suffered constant blade clashes
this morning.

See the account below:-
"This morning I had a total of 9 crews nearly crashing into my single (all
on my way from the boathouses to Chesterton), involving Sidney, Caius,
Homerton, LMBC, Clare, Corpus and others I lost track of. Clare was the only
bankparty that made an effort to alert their novices to draw in their
blades. Sidney actually crashed into my right rigger, without holding it
properly up or pulling their blades in all the way despite me shouting at
them. Neither their cox nor their bankparty deemed it necessary to ask if I
was alright or even apologise. This is inacceptable and dangerous". UNQUOTE

We all know that traffic congestion is serious and that frequently VIIIs
have little way on and are difficult to steer in these conditions, but some
COURTESY might not go amiss (with blades pulled in promptly to avoid
contact) and a prompt APOLOGY will help both from the Cox and Coach / Bank
party. It costs nothing, but a FINE will cost you next time.

We are not the only crews on the river; it is not "our river" and just
because there are 60 crews out in the early morning, does not validate some
other sort of "de facto" river code. The "de jure" river code will be
enforced next time.

Please get this across to your coxes and coaches as a matter of priority. I
realise the pressure is on, but we really "must do better".

Thank you.

Richard Hamersley
Chairman CUCBC

Richard Hamersley
19 Lovell Close
Wootton Manor
Tel/fax/ansafone:       01491 414 294
Mobile:                      07870 5545 17
Email: richard.hamersley at gmail.com
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