[CUCBC Captains] FW: St Radegund Mile, Sunday 19th April

Convey, Peter pcon at bas.ac.uk
Fri Mar 20 17:38:35 UTC 2009

From: Andy Walters [andy.walters at quartix.net]
Sent: 20 March 2009 16:59
To: pcon at pcmail.nerc-bas.ac.uk
Subject: St Radegund Mile, Sunday 19th April

Dear Pete,

I am writing to let you know about the St Radegund Mile Head Race, which we will be running again on 19th April. The event was very popular with both clubs and colleges last year, and so there will be three divisions, at 10:30, 11:45 and 13:00. The racing will be followed by a barbecue  at Cambridge City Rowing Club and there's even a free pint for each competitor as well!

Full details of the race are available from our site: http://www.radbc.co.uk/radmile/index.php

And the entry form can be downloaded from: http://www.radbc.co.uk/images/entryform.pdf

We hope to see you on the day.

Best regards

Andy Walters

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