[CUCBC Captains] Fwd: C & C Programme

Pete Convey PCON at bas.ac.uk
Tue May 13 11:13:20 UTC 2008

Dear all

the attached relates to the new 'Cam coach' position, funded largely by
Sport England through the ARA, but with financial contribution from CRA
and CUCBC, that I have previously informed captains about in outline.

I understand that an appointment is shortly to be made, and the
attached document and questionaire is a start to the process of planning
and allocating the time and activities of the person appointed. The
questionaire is a slight modification of one used more generally across
the ARA, and therefore some of the questions do not entirely 'fit' with
the way college clubs work in Cambridge, but you should still be able to
give all the required information.

It is important that clubs engage with this process and return these
questionaires. In a college context, the post holder is mainly intended
to provide a means of 'coaching your coaches' and assisting your
planning, training structures etc, as there are plainly too many
colleges to enable all of them to have individual crews coached. Once
someone is in post, whether your club benefits from it will be very
largely a function of how much it is prepared to take up the opportunity


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