[CUCBC Captains] boat trailer parking

Pete Convey PCON at bas.ac.uk
Mon May 12 15:30:14 UTC 2008

Dear all

the message below was sent to the CRA, but they've asked me to forward
to our clubs for info, and to find out if any were doing this.  It seems
there has been an upsurge in trailer parking on the residential roads
behind the boathouses. This is not something that Colleges normally do,
but any that do should be aware that there are some significant
legalities involved, which are indicated in the message.


I write as an enthusiastic rower who is also a resident of De Freville
Avenue. I have to report an escalating sense of exasperation felt by
many residents of the De Freville, Aylestone, Kimberley, and Pretoria
area at the illegal parking of unhitched unlit boat trailers by members
of various clubs affiliated to the CRA. In the worst cases, they leave
trailers parked on double yellow lines and very close to road junctions.
Many of them have dangerous pieces of metal protruding from the side,
ready to impale passing cyclists and pedestrians in the head and eye.

I have gone to some lengths to establish the legal position, and it is
as follows:


The following website, which shows part of the Highway Code:-


... and this is extracted from it.........

"250 Cars, goods vehicles not exceeding 1525 kg unladen weight, invalid
carriages, motorcycles and pedal cycles may be parked without lights on
a road (or lay-by) with a speed limit of 30 mph (48 km/h) or less if
they are at least 10 metres (32 feet) away from any junction, close to
the kerb and facing in the direction of the traffic flow in a recognised
parking place or lay-by

Other vehicles and trailers, and all vehicles with projecting loads,
MUST NOT be left on a road at night without lights.

[Laws RVLR reg 24 & CUR reg 82(7)]"


I appreciate that much of what is in the Highway Code is advisory, but
the paragraph beginning "Other vehicles and trailers ...." is, I am
advised, legally binding, and the precise requirements for meeting the
lighting rules are set out in the legislation and should be followed to
the letter.

A large number of the residents of the area would be most grateful if
you could bring the legal position to the attention of your affiliated
clubs and their members. We have, in association with the sending of
this message, suggested to the local police that they should start to
enforce this legislation more vigorously. We hope very much that they
will heed
our advice.

Please would you urge members of clubs affiliated to the CRA to obey
the law and, more generally, behave with greater consideration?

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