[CUCBC Coxes] Lent Bumps Coxing Briefing date/time.

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Thu Feb 15 22:02:06 UTC 2024

Dear Coxes
(cc Captains and Boatmen)
Please be aware that we have now confirmed the following briefings for bumps on
Saturday 24th February. This will be in the Queens' Room Lecture Theatre,
Emmanuel College.

Saturday 24th February
1800-1830 Senior Coxes' Briefing IN PERSON ONLY
1835-1920 Novice Coxes' Briefing IN PERSON ONLY

*In-person attendance for the novice and senior coxes' briefing is
mandatory for all those coxing bumps*.* There will be a sign-in sheet
sometime during each briefing.

(*unless proxies are arranged for senior coxes only as per rule 24:
http://www.cucbc.org/handbook/racing/bumps - an acceptable proxy shall be
defined as a senior cox (coxed at least one of Lent or May bumps) from
their club who undertakes to brief the coxswain on safe racing during bumps)

Please ensure that all relevant people are aware of the upcoming briefing
Coaches, captains and bank parties are welcome to the coxes' briefing to
improve awareness of safety during Bumps.

If you have any concerns or questions, please do either speak to your
club/captains or email the committee - committee at cucbc.org


Dr Limeng Zhu
CUCBC Executive Committee
On Behalf of Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
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