From conor at Thu Apr 1 22:02:31 2021 From: conor at (Conor Burgess) Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 23:02:31 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Nesting Swans - Plough Reach Message-ID: Dear all, The swans nesting on Plough Reach (approximately half way down, in the cut / stream) are apparently now sitting on eggs and as a result they have become very defensive. Please ensure that your crews do not stop between the crossing point and First Post Corner, as it will agitate the swans, and the male in particular is likely to attack rowers or coxes. If traffic permits, giving them a wider berth isn?t a bad idea either. Please could you pass this message on to all coxes, scullers and steerers. Best wishes, Conor From conor at Thu Apr 1 22:18:08 2021 From: conor at (Conor Burgess) Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 23:18:08 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Nesting Swans - Plough Reach In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Apologies - I meant ?please ensure that your crews do not stop between the crossing point at the Plough and Grassy Corner? - I need to get back out on the river? Conor > On 1 Apr 2021, at 22:59, Conor Burgess wrote: > > Dear all, > > The swans nesting on Plough Reach (approximately half way down, in the cut / stream) are apparently now sitting on eggs and as a result they have become very defensive. Please ensure that your crews do not stop between the crossing point and First Post Corner, as it will agitate the swans, and the male in particular is likely to attack rowers or coxes. If traffic permits, giving them a wider berth isn?t a bad idea either. > > Please could you pass this message on to all coxes, scullers and steerers. > > Best wishes, > Conor From flag at Sun Apr 4 16:34:55 2021 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2021 17:34:55 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Cambridge Blue Flag Message-ID: The flag is Cambridge Blue. Outlook: Congratulations to the Cambridge Women???s and Men???s crews on their victories today in Ely! The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sun Apr 4 19:29:57 2021 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2021 20:29:57 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Cambridge Blue Flag Message-ID: The flag is Cambridge Blue. Outlook: Congratulations to the Cambridge Women???s and Men???s crews on their victories today in Ely! The CUCBC Committee From limeng at Mon Apr 12 21:01:36 2021 From: limeng at (Limeng Zhu) Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 22:01:36 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Statement regarding May Bumps 2021. Message-ID: Dear all, It is with regret that the CUCBC Committees have taken the hard decision to cancel May Bumps 2021. We are aware that most college coxswains have had at most 4 weeks of training on the Cam over the past 12 months, and, given the recent announcement from the Vice-Chancellor that students are unlikely to be allowed to return en masse before Monday 17th May, we feel that it is not possible to safely organise the traditional May Bumps at the end of the academic year. We are also aware that some smaller clubs rely on the availability of "novice" rowers in order to field a bumps crew, and understand that most novices have also had at most 4 weeks of training so far this academic year. With this in mind, we would instead like to plan to hold a non-contact rowing event, to take place at the end of term. Such an event would not require a 12-outing rule and could potentially take different formats, or have different divisions, for novice and senior crews, allowing more people to safely take part. To gather information about the feasibility of such an event, and to gauge interest in different options, we have circulated a short survey to Captains, which we ask they complete by 2pm Thursday. Apologies for the short timescale, but this is to give us time to collate responses and formulate proposals to take to the Captains meeting this weekend. The CUCBC Committees. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Sun Apr 25 09:20:56 2021 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 10:20:56 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] GDBO Flag Message-ID: The flag is GDBO. Outlook: Good luck to Blondie and Goldie in their Varsity Races this afternoon! The CUCBC Committee From conor at Sun Apr 25 11:36:19 2021 From: conor at (Conor Burgess) Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 12:36:19 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Safety Reminders In-Reply-To: <800ea6fa-0569-4b84-a8f9-1df6936e9c03@Spark> References: <800ea6fa-0569-4b84-a8f9-1df6936e9c03@Spark> Message-ID: Hi all, A few reminders following some reports we?ve received over the last week or so. Please remember that firm pressure and/or high rate rowing is not permitted above the Green Dragon / Chesterton footbridge, per Rule 12: 1. That there be only light-pressure paddling between Chesterton footbridge and Jesus Lock except for the progress of the Fairbairn Cup Races, and for bung starts during the two days prior to the Lent and May Bumps. 2. That crews pay due care and attention to moored craft and to junior & novice crews in this area. 3. That crews should avoid unnecessary stopping and spinning above Chesterton. Firm pressure rowing in this area creates significant wash, which may not seem problematic, but remember that people live in the houseboats along this section, and could be holding a hot drink or pan of boiling water etc. Additionally, it is great to see so many colleges making use of small boats, but a quick reminder of Rule 14: 1. That Coxless IVs and quadruple sculls require a banksteerer at all times, inside and outside Full Term. 2. That pairs and doubles may go out without a banksteerer only if the steerer has at least a year's experience of steering small boats, and the permission of the club captain and/or boatman has been given. In addition, during Full Term, pairs and doubles must have a banksteerer outside the hours of 9am to 4pm, or 30 minutes before lighting up if earlier. 3. That single sculls may go out without a banksteerer at any time. 4. That no boat be used for a rowing outing on the Cam without its full crew and a coxswain if appropriate, being present in the boat at the commencement of the outing. 5. That all coaches of small boats (pairs, double and single sculls, but not tub pairs) should carry a throwbag or line and a 'space blanket.' [NB. Rowers intending to go out in small boats as a beginner (i.e. they have had less than ten outings in a small boat) are strongly advised to undergo a capsize drill and swim test as soon as practicable. Such rowers must have a banksteerer at all times, as required by Rule?14.b, when using pairs and/or doubles. They are also?strongly?advised to have a banksteerer or coach for their first ten outings if they are using a single scull.] Please pass these reminders along to any coxswains or steerspersons who may not be on the coxes list. Thanks, Conor -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Sun Apr 25 17:47:57 2021 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 18:47:57 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Cambridge Blue Flag Message-ID: The flag is Cambridge Blue. Outlook: Congratulations to Blondie and Goldie on their victories today! The CUCBC Committee From flag at Mon Apr 26 21:02:26 2021 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 22:02:26 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. Outlook: Welcome back to Easter Full Term on the Cam! As always, please remember that a Green Flag is not a license to boat - coaches and crews should always carry out their own risk assessment and judge whether it is safe for them to boat under the prevailing conditions. The CUCBC Committee From elliedarlington at Fri Apr 30 11:57:11 2021 From: elliedarlington at (Ellie Darlington) Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2021 12:57:11 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Coxing opportunities at Cantabs Message-ID: *Seeking coxes for our veterans boats* Cantabs is looking to recruit coxes for a number of their veteran men's crews. We welcome interest from anyone with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn, with training and development opportunities for coxes who are keen. There are opportunities for coxes who would be keen to take on a crew regularly, as well as anyone who wants to do occasional outings to get extra experience (this can also include racing experience on the Cam). There are outing times to suit different availabilities, including mornings and evenings during the week, as well as various times at the weekend. Coxing town clubs is permitted for college coxes outside of college training hours, so would also give the opportunity to cox when the river is less crowded. No membership or race fees would be charged and all equipment is provided. You can find out more about coxing at Cantabs on our website: If you would be interested in supplementing your coxing with additional outings subbing for Cantabs but would prefer to do that with women's crews, please let us know as there would still be opportunities to do this. If you're interested in finding out more, please contact me via club.captain at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: