From flag at Sat Feb 1 13:06:04 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2020 13:06:04 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Very very windy on the reach. Even first boats should ensure there cox and crew are competent in managing in the challenging conditions The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sun Feb 2 10:46:16 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2020 10:46:16 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. The CUCBC Committee From izzy at Tue Feb 4 12:01:41 2020 From: izzy at (Isabel Nimmo) Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2020 12:01:41 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Lent bumps cox briefings Message-ID: Dear college coxes (apologies to everyone else on these lists...), CUCBC are currently in the process of sorting a venue (and thus exact time) but this is a brief heads up that the cox briefings for Lent bumps will be held on the evening of the 23rd of Feb. Novice coxes (defined as those who have not competed *as a cox* in a set of CUCBC* run bumps before) must attend in person, unless they receive prior permission to miss it from the CUCBC Safety Officer. Senior coxes (those who have competed before) may be represented by another *senior *cox, provided that representative undertakes to brief them in turn before the start of racing. I'll be confirming a location and time as soon as possible, but the meetings will be about 30 mins for senior coxes, 45 mins for novices and will take place some time *after* lighting down. Best wishes, Isabel * CUCBC rules are somewhat different to CRA, Torpids, Eights and Oxford town bumps, so I'm afraid they don't count. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Sat Feb 8 18:53:20 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sat, 08 Feb 2020 18:53:20 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Forecast winds for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday are such that red flags should be expected. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sat Feb 8 18:53:48 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sat, 08 Feb 2020 18:53:48 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Red/Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Red/Yellow. The river is closed, except to tub pairs between Jesus Lock and Chesterton and University crews with the express permission of their Head Coach. Outlook: Gusts are expected in excess of 50mph for most of tomorrow. Winds are also forecast to remain very high (40+) till Wednesday. We will keep an eye on the forecast as it updates, but the next few days are likely to contain significant restrictions on which crews may boat. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sun Feb 9 09:39:57 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 09 Feb 2020 09:39:57 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Red Flag Message-ID: The flag is Red. The river is closed to all crews. Outlook: Winds are forecast to remain very high until Wednesday; the next few days are likely to contain significant restrictions on which crews may boat. The flag will remain Red for Sunday and will next be re-assessed before 06:30 on Monday. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Mon Feb 10 04:52:32 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2020 04:52:32 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Red/Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Red/Yellow. The river is closed, except to tub pairs between Jesus Lock and Chesterton and University crews with the express permission of their Head Coach. Outlook: Winds are forecast to remain high for most of the morning. Additionally, there are multiple trees which have been blown over and are blocking parts of the river and towpath. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Mon Feb 10 19:58:26 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2020 19:58:26 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Red/Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Red/Yellow. The river is closed, except to tub pairs between Jesus Lock and Chesterton and University crews with the express permission of their Head Coach. Outlook: If the weather is as forecast in the morning then the flag is likely to stay red/yellow. An assessment will be made by 06:20. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Tue Feb 11 05:14:42 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 05:14:42 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Red/Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Red/Yellow. The river is closed, except to tub pairs between Jesus Lock and Chesterton and University crews with the express permission of their Head Coach. Outlook: Winds are still very high :( The Conservancy have been working to clear fallen trees and we hope to be able to reduce the flag later today. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Tue Feb 11 16:49:36 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 16:49:36 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Wind speed and gust strength are continuing to decrease. Flag will be reassessed again before morning. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Wed Feb 12 06:19:20 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 06:19:20 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Run to Baitsbite is clear of fallen trees. It remains very windy, but flag will stay yellow. Coxes should make their own assessment of conditions and the abilities of their crew - permission to boat under yellow flag is not the same as saying every eligible boat should. The CUCBC Committee From izzy at Wed Feb 12 10:36:54 2020 From: izzy at (Isabel Nimmo) Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 10:36:54 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Cox briefings - Lents 2020 Message-ID: Dear college coxes (apologies to everyone else on these lists...), The cox safety briefings for Lent Bumps will be held in the QB Lecture Theatre in Emmanuel college on Sunday 23rd. If you show up at the p'lodge a couple of minutes early then it's well signposted from there (or just follow the crowds of small people in boaty stash). The Senior briefing will be held at 19:15, and the Novice briefing will be held at 19:45 (and should be done by 20:30). Novice coxes (defined as those who have not competed *as a cox* in a set of CUCBC* run bumps before) must attend in person, unless they receive prior permission to miss it from the CUCBC Safety Officer. Senior coxes (those who have competed before) may be represented by another *senior *cox, provided that representative signs in and undertakes to brief them in turn before the start of racing. Town coxes - I get a few questions every year - you are most welcome to come along if you really want to. The 'rules and marshalling' section of the briefing may be a bit pointless, since we use somewhat different rules and marshalling arrangements from CRA, but the second half of both briefings is an analysis of the mindsets that have led to various accidents over the last few years. So if you really really want to watch that and listen to me grumble, you're welcome. But there may be more entertaining ways to spend Sunday evening. Bank party, rowers, coaches - you're all very welcome to come along too. Many of you have been doing this far longer than I, but if you're new to bumps and want an idea of what your cox is (*or maybe should...*) be doing, it's a big lecture theatre. Feel free to join in! Best wishes, Isabel * CUCBC rules are somewhat different to CRA, Torpids, Eights and Oxford town bumps, so I'm afraid they don't count. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Thu Feb 13 05:19:12 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 05:19:12 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. Outlook: Coxes should make their own assessment of conditions and the abilities of their crew - permission to boat under green flag is not the same as saying every eligible boat should. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sat Feb 15 12:31:37 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2020 12:31:37 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Red/Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Red/Yellow. The river is closed, except to tub pairs between Jesus Lock and Chesterton and University crews with the express permission of their Head Coach. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sun Feb 16 11:27:16 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2020 11:27:16 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Still high winds, but not bad enough for red/yellow currently. This will likely change during the afternoon though. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sun Feb 16 22:58:13 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2020 22:58:13 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Strong winds forecast for tomorrow morning. The flag will be re-assessed at 06:15, but it will almost certainly remain yellow. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Mon Feb 17 06:19:42 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 06:19:42 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: High winds, but conditions look set to improve by this afternoon. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Mon Feb 17 14:35:06 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 14:35:06 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. Outlook: Green for now, but winds are forecast to be high again tomorrow. There is also a flood alert in force due to the large volume of rainwater now coming downstream from the upper river - if the river outside the boathouses floods then the flag will have to be re-assessed. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Wed Feb 19 21:44:42 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2020 21:44:42 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: High winds forecast for tomorrow morning. It might well be borderline green. Flag will be assessed by 06:10. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Thu Feb 20 06:13:23 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 06:13:23 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Flag remaining yellow as the wind is gusting strongly, and would cause problems with yesterday's volume of traffic on the river. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Thu Feb 20 22:42:17 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 22:42:17 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. Outlook: Friday afternoon is forecast to be windy, but not so much that we can't run the getting-on race. Saturday is also looking windy - expect yellow flags. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Fri Feb 21 23:41:01 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 23:41:01 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: High winds and very strong gusts forecast for tomorrow. Expect yellow all day unfortunately. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sat Feb 22 15:17:30 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2020 15:17:30 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Flag looks set to remain yellow until about 14:00 on Sunday. Please note the Winter League has been cancelled due to the wind, so crews which can boat under yellow flag may do so from 11:00 as normal. The CUCBC Committee From izzy at Sat Feb 22 20:41:57 2020 From: izzy at (Isabel Nimmo) Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2020 20:41:57 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Last reminder: cox briefings - Lents 2020 Message-ID: Dear Captains and Coxes, The cox safety briefings for Lent Bumps will be held in the QB Lecture Theatre in Emmanuel college on Sunday 23rd - i.e. tomorrow. If you show up at the p'lodge a couple of minutes early then it's well signposted from there (or just follow the crowds of small people in boaty stash). The Senior briefing will be held at 19:15, and the Novice briefing will be held at 19:45 (and should be done by 20:30). Anyone planning to cox, even if as a substitute, needs to be briefed as set out below. *Novice coxes* (defined as those who have not competed *as a cox* in a set of CUCBC* run bumps before) must attend in person, unless they receive prior permission to miss it from the CUCBC Safety Officer. *Senior coxes* (those who have competed as a cox before) may be represented by another *senior *cox, provided that representative signs in and undertakes to brief them in turn before the start of racing. *Bank party, rowers, coaches* - you're all very welcome to come along too. Many of you have been doing this far longer than I, but if you're new to bumps and want an idea of what your cox is (*or maybe should...*) be doing, it's a big lecture theatre. Feel free to join in! Best wishes, Isabel * CUCBC rules are somewhat different to CRA, Torpids, Eights and Oxford town bumps, so I'm afraid they don't count. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Sun Feb 23 14:53:10 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2020 14:53:10 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. Outlook: Winds appeared to have dropped to green level but it is still a little gusty, so coxes and coaches should ensure their crew is alert at all times and assess the weather conditions before heading out. The CUCBC Committee From izzy at Sun Feb 23 21:22:15 2020 From: izzy at (Isabel Nimmo) Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2020 21:22:15 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Lents 2020 Briefing slides Message-ID: Dear all, Slides from this evenings briefings can be found here: Very best of luck to everyone who is racing next week. Once the excitement is over, I'm always very open to feedback on the content of the bumps briefings (but suspect everyone reading this may be a little busy for the next 6 or 7 days...) so please do get in touch if you've any suggestions on how to make them clearer, more useful or less boring. Best wishes, Isabel -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Mon Feb 24 11:56:44 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 11:56:44 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. Outlook: Conditions are currently yellow flag worthy. However, the river should be pretty quiet, so if you have crews which are racing this week and they would like practice rowing in strong gusts, and the cox and coach are happy that they will be able to cope with the conditions, AND they remain extremely alert, they may boat. Crews which did not get on should not boat. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Mon Feb 24 16:12:11 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 16:12:11 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: There's practice in the wind, and then there's stupidly strong winds. First boats should only go out if they've made an assessment of the reach and still think doing so is a good idea. The CUCBC Committee From izzy at Mon Feb 24 17:57:33 2020 From: izzy at (Isabel Nimmo) Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 17:57:33 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Tideway Coxing (WEHoRR & ManHORR) Message-ID: Dear Captains and Coxes, This is only really of interest to those of you planning to race WEHoRR or ManHORR. Ro Thompson has agreed to run a briefing for any interested coxes on the 3rd of March (the Tuesday after bumps) at 7:30pm in the Cripps Court Auditorium at Magdalene college. Racing on the Tideway is not like the Cam - the stream makes positioning of your shell much more important when racing, and marshalling is considerably more complex (though no less chaotic...) I can thoroughly recommend this talk to anyone, whether they've raced on the Tideway before or not. Ro has been coxing for 15 years, including three years training on the Tideway with Vesta Rowing Club based in Putney. She has four Tideway pennants, three from WeHORR and one from HORR. Whilst as Vesta she coxed the top womens crew to 3rd and 4th place in WeHORR and raced twice in the elite womens 8s event at Henley Royal Regatta. So she is very well placed to offer guidance on handling racing on the Thames. I will absolutely be attending, and I'd strongly urge any college coxes planning to race this year to come along too. Best wishes for the last day of training, and for racing this week, Isabel -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Mon Feb 24 22:06:23 2020 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 22:06:23 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. The CUCBC Committee From conor at Tue Feb 25 22:31:04 2020 From: conor at (Conor Burgess) Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 22:31:04 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Tuesday Results and Notes & Fines Message-ID: <> Dear all, The results of today?s racing are now available here: Notes from the Umpires? It is not necessary to hold it up after completing an overtake bump. Instead, just wind down and pull in. Crews should carry on rowing upon being bumped until they are clear of the bumping boat. Failure to do so puts your own cox in danger. It is the responsibility of all coxes to know where their finish is, and ensure they wind down once their whole boat has passed it. This is of upmost importance at Top Finish, and under no circumstances should any crew be racing into the Green Dragon footbridge. Could all cyclists please be considerate of other towpath users. There isn't a towpath closure; we need to share it with commuters, dog walkers, etc. Fines Corpus W1 - Incredibly slow to clear - ?40 Corpus W2 - Easying upon being bumped - ?40 Corpus - Failure to provide a marshal - ?15 Emmanuel M2 - Failure to hold it up - ?30 Homerton - Failure to provide a marshal - ?15 LMBC M2 - Illegal practice start - ?15 Magdalene W1 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 Selwyn - Failure to provide a marshal - ?15 All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at ), within 48 hours of this email being sent. Best wishes, Conor -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From felicity at Wed Feb 26 22:37:38 2020 From: felicity at (Felicity Parker) Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 22:37:38 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Wednesday Results and Notes & Fines Message-ID: Dear all, The results of today?s racing are now available here: Notes from the Umpires - Coxes must keep an eye on what's going on more than one boat in front of them; having a rough idea of what's going on behind is also a good idea, especially when deciding which side to clear to after bumping/being bumped. - Bank parties are strictly limited to four cyclists. Bank parties are responsible for ensuring other cyclists do not join their crews. - If your crew have caught a boat stopping crab, and the boat behind is very close, coxes can and should concede early to help ensure the boat behind hold it up early. Of course, the cox of the crew behind should be holding it up anyway to avoid a collision with a stationary crew. - Bank parties must not tell other crews to concede. Further infringements will result in heavy fining and removal from the towpath. - Coxes should listen for instructions from the bank after bumping/being bumped. - Crews should be back in boats by the time the previous division is racing past them. - Crews which bump out before the Railway Bridge must stop on the Reach and pull in to the towpath side until the next division has rowed past. - Crews are encouraged to row down to the start much faster as we are losing time even without rerows. Fines - Fitzwilliam W2 - Excessive bank party (Tuesday) - ?30 - Christ's - Failure to provide a marshal - ?15 - CUCBC - Committee member "stepping in river" in non-waterproof footwear - Seek advice from Magdalene M2 - Darwin W2 - Extremely dangerous coxing - ?75 - Emmanuel M1 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Emmanuel W1 - Failure to stop on Reach after bumping out - Warning - Homerton W2 - Very slow to clear - ?40 - Homerton W2 - Early celebration - ?30 - Jesus - Failure to provide a marshal - ?15 - Jesus W1 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - LMBC M1 - Illegal practice start - ?15 - Magdalene M1 - Attempting to influence and intimidate umpire, while unaware of the definition of a bump - ?30 - Magdalene M2 - Sharing the enlightening wisdom that "the river is wet" - Compile handbook of rowing wisdoms for use in future pre-Bumps briefings - Robinson M2 - Total failure to clear - ?75 - St Edmund's - Failure to provide a marshal (Tuesday) - ?15 All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer ( seniortreasurer at, within 48 hours of this email being sent. Best wishes, Felicity -- Felicity Parker CUCBC Executive Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From conor at Thu Feb 27 09:07:35 2020 From: conor at (Conor Burgess) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 09:07:35 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Wednesday Results and Notes & Fines In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <597bf44e-4dd6-4a18-ab6b-b455af3fc70c@Spark> Dear all, The towpath isn?t currently snowy or icy, but it is extremely wet and muddy. In addition, it looks like it?s going to keep raining for most of the day. Combine that with the sub-zero wind-chill temperatures and sitting stationary in a boat, and people could be getting very cold. Please ensure all crews and bank parties have sufficient warm, dry kit with them, and ideally some way of staying dry / keeping their spare kit dry for after the race. Best wishes, Conor On 26 Feb 2020, 22:37 +0000, Felicity Parker , wrote: > ?Dear all, > > The results of today?s racing are now available here:? > > Notes from the Umpires > > ? Coxes must keep an eye on what's going on more than one boat in front of them; having a rough idea of what's going on behind is also a good idea, especially when deciding which side to clear to after bumping/being bumped. > ? Bank parties are strictly limited to four cyclists. Bank parties are responsible for ensuring other cyclists do not join their crews. > ? If your crew have caught a boat stopping crab, and the boat behind is very close, coxes can and should concede early to help ensure the boat behind hold it up early. Of course, the cox of the crew behind should be holding it up anyway to avoid a collision with a stationary crew. > ? Bank parties must not tell other crews to concede. Further infringements will result in heavy fining and removal from the towpath. > ? Coxes should listen for instructions from the bank after bumping/being bumped. > ? > Crews should be back in boats by the time the previous division is racing past them. > ? > Crews which bump out before the Railway Bridge must stop on the Reach and pull in to the towpath side until the next division has rowed past. > ? > Crews are encouraged to row down to the start much faster as we are losing time even without rerows. > > Fines > > ? Fitzwilliam W2 - Excessive bank party (Tuesday) - ?30 > ? Christ's - Failure to provide a marshal - ?15 > ? CUCBC - Committee member "stepping in river" in non-waterproof footwear - Seek advice from Magdalene M2 > ? Darwin W2 - Extremely dangerous coxing - ?75 > ? Emmanuel M1 - Excessive bank party - ?30 > ? Emmanuel W1 - Failure to stop on Reach after bumping out - Warning > ? Homerton W2 - Very slow to clear - ?40 > ? Homerton W2 - Early celebration - ?30 > ? Jesus - Failure to provide a marshal - ?15 > ? Jesus W1 - Excessive bank party - ?30 > ? LMBC M1 - Illegal practice start - ?15 > ? Magdalene M1 - Attempting to influence and intimidate umpire, while unaware of the definition of a bump - ?30 > ? Magdalene M2 - Sharing the enlightening wisdom that "the river is wet" - Compile handbook of rowing wisdoms for use in future pre-Bumps briefings > ? Robinson M2 - Total failure to clear - ?75 > ? St Edmund's - Failure to provide a marshal (Tuesday) - ?15 > > All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at, within 48 hours of this email being sent. > > Best wishes, > > Felicity > -- > Felicity Parker > CUCBC Executive Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ian at Fri Feb 28 19:58:30 2020 From: ian at (Ian Cowley) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 19:58:30 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] A reminder about the railway bridge after races Message-ID: Dear coxes, If you bump out below the railway bridge, you must please hold on the Reach below the bridge on your paddle home to allow the next division to push off from marshalling and go down to the start. We have little time between divisions and need this process to work smoothly. It's going to be windy tomorrow so if you're the boat closest to the railway bridge ensure you give the marshalled crews plenty of space to get out around you. Once the bottom 12 boats (up to Morley's Holt) are under way, you can proceed home, bearing in mind there are 6 more boats coming around the corner. Thank you for your cooperation. Dr Ian Cowley CUCBC Senior Committee Bumps Chief umpire -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From conor at Sat Feb 29 01:59:28 2020 From: conor at (Conor Burgess) Date: Sat, 29 Feb 2020 01:59:28 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Friday Results and Notes & Fines Message-ID: <> Dear all, The results of Friday?s racing are now available here: - apologies for the delay; we had some technical issues with the results upload. Notes from the Umpires? Conditions on Saturday are going to be very windy. The Chief Umpires will assess conditions in the morning, but hope to be able to run all divisions. However, coxes will need to be alert, and bank parties will need to be ready to assist with pulling their crews not only during racing, but also at marshalling and at the start. Following a serious incident today, the Chief Umpires have taken the decision to ban all handheld video recording by bank parties. Mounted cameras on handlebars / helmets / pannier racks etc. are all fine, but handheld phones or GoPros etc. will not be permitted. Crews which bump out downstream of the Railway Bridge are reminded that they MUST stop downstream of the Railway Bridge on the way home, and they must remain there (perhaps held on the bank by bank parties with the wind tomorrow) until crews from the division ahead have pushed off the bank and rowed down to the start. Bank parties are strictly limited to four cyclists. Please ensure your bank parties know who is cycling and who is not. Fines Clare W2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 Sidney Sussex M1 - Boating without a lifejacket - ?50 Magdalene W1 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at ), within 48 hours of this email being sent. Best wishes, Conor -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: