[CUCBC Coxes] Bumps and GoR Start Orders (v.4)

Cam Lardy cam at cucbc.org
Tue Feb 16 13:23:45 UTC 2016

Dear all,

Attached, the latest Getting-On Race start order. Please also see the
changes to the Bumps start order online, in particular the lower-2nd and
3rd Women's Divisions.

As per Michael's lastest email on this topic, please remember that you have
until *Wednesday, 5pm* to scratch your crews from Bumps for a full refund.
Crews scratching before *Thursday, 5pm* will get a half refund; and crews
signalling before *Thursday, 5pm* that they intend to race the GoR for
time-only will also get a half refund.

Do keep signing up to umpire Bumps and the Getting-On Race here:


Cam Lardy
CUCBC Exec 2015-2016
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