From tom at Tue May 6 23:07:34 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 00:07:34 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Evening hours, firm pressure over the lock and mobile phones Message-ID: Dear all A few notices from the committee to be circulated round your clubs for coxes in particular. *Evening hours:* The times and weekly schedule for early and late sessions are here, please follow them and please make sure you keep to the timings. Remember that IVs of eligible rowers cannot be between Chesterton and Baitsbite during the restricted hours, but can go over the lock during the changeover. Eligible rowers are NOT allowed to use small boats (singles, doubles, pairs etc). *Racing over the lock* We've had complaints of crews racing past moored boats at Horningsea over the lock and ignoring requests to slow down. The wash from an VIII at race pace is significant and on a narrow stretch can rock any moored craft. All crews should slow down and paddle when passing moored boats over the lock and plan your pieces and training around this. Please consider this a final warning on this matter and any future incidents of discourtesy will be dealt with harshly. *Mobile phones for coxes* Please make sure that coxes carry a mobile phone in case of emergencies especially if your crew is going out unaccompanied and it is definitely advisable to carry one even if you have a coach on the bank in case you become separated. We are aware that many people have expensive smartphones and don't want to risk losing them. Potential solutions to this include, you club investing in a cheap and old pay as you go phone as part of the kit, putting you phone in a waterproof container like a water bottle that will float in case it becomes separated from you or the boat, or simply just be careful and don't drop it. We bring this up due to a recent incident of an VIII having rocks thrown at it from a bridge. In this situation you should first get your crew away from danger and then immediately report it to the police. Thanks and we hope everyone is having a productive term of training so far! Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Sat May 10 14:36:29 2014 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sat, 10 May 2014 15:36:29 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. The CUCBC Committee From jg660 at Sat May 10 14:18:08 2014 From: jg660 at (Josh Goodman) Date: Sat, 10 May 2014 15:18:08 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Churchill M2 Cox Message-ID: Dear all, Churchill M2 are looking for a cox. We have four outings a week - Weds and Fri morning, Sat and Sun afternoon. Great group of rowers, with a mix of experience. If you can help, please get in touch with me at this email address. Thank you, Josh Goodman Churchill College Boat Club Vice Captain -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Sun May 11 09:38:16 2014 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 10:38:16 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Still consistent strong gusty winds, which are predicted to continue all day and get worse again. We will assess it again in a couple of hours. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sun May 11 20:50:10 2014 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 21:50:10 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. The CUCBC Committee From events.secretary at Mon May 12 10:19:31 2014 From: events.secretary at (Events Secretary) Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 11:19:31 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Champs Eights Head - Saturday 17th May 2014 -CLOSING DATE TOMORROW TUESDAY 13TH MAY 6PM In-Reply-To: <008d01cf6471$aa5baad0$ff130070$> References: <008d01cf6471$aa5baad0$ff130070$> Message-ID: <05e401cf6dcb$aabd11e0$003735a0$> Reminder closing date tomorrow ? Tuesday 13th May 6pm Thank you Events Secretary Champs Hi Captains/Secretaries/Rowing Coaches/Coxes CHAMPS EIGHTS HEAD - SATURDAY 17th MAY 2014 Link to poster: f Link to online entry form: Link to info: DIVS AT 12.00, 1.30 and 3.00pm It is fine for crews to race in more than one division if space permits. This is a great pre Bumps Cam event for university and town club eights. The course runs from the Plough to the Penny Ferry - 1450 metres. PRIZES SPONSOR - MILTON BREWERY ? FREE FILL OF WINNERS TANKARDS 1. EVENT CATEGORIES Event Tankards (with free fill of Milton Brewery beer if collected at prizegiving at City boathouse at approx. 5pm) Entry categories: College Men?s 8s (Mays 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6) College Women?s 8s (Mays 1, 2, 3 & 4) College Alumni Men?s & Women?s 8s CRA Men?s & Women?s 8s (Senior, Novice, Masters and Junior) (Getting on crews can enter Men?s Mays 6 or Ladies Mays 4 categories). 2. COURSE RECORD A magnum of Veuve Clicquot Champagne for the fastest men?s and ladies crews (Town or Gown) if they break the current Champs 8?s Head course record. These stand as 4m 24.1 seconds set by Downing M1 in 2008 and 5m.07.6 seconds set by Jesus W1 also in 2008. 3. JUDGED BEST STARTS 9 bottles of "Champs" for: Most Impressive Mens start Most Impressive Ladies start (Photos will also be taken of crews at the start and will be emailed to your club entries secretaries after the event FOC) 4. COXING PRIZES Coxes prizes for the judged best cornering of Ditton Corner First prize - A bottle of "Champs" and a cox award tankard. 5 other special cox award tankards for runners up. Link for all previous years? results and copies of poster, map, safety plan and competitor information (downloadable documents at foot of Champs 8?s Head page): Online entry only via the Champion of the Thames RC Entry System : Payment options: (Boat fee ?56 if received by 6pm on 13th May/?64 for late payment) 1. Payment by cheques payable to ?Champion of the Thames RC?, with crew entry details written on the reverse of the cheque to the address below (Closing date Tuesday 13th May 2014- 6.00pm) 2. Champs Online Paypal payment: &reset=1&id=5 3. BACS transfer (please ask for details) Please email with any queries to: events.secretary at Thank you Lesley =========================== Lesley Corbett Events Secretary Champion of the Thames RC 38 Chesterton Hall Crescent Cambridge CB4 1AP t: 01223 328418 =========================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Fri May 16 16:04:13 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 17:04:13 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Navigation hazard - Fallen tree @ P&E Message-ID: Dear all Please be aware that there is a fallen tree in the river near the P&E. It is partially blocking the navigation on the towpath side of the river just upstream of the spinning area. Please exercise extra care especially if in small boats. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From at Fri May 16 22:29:33 2014 From: at (John Parker) Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 23:29:33 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] URGENT: HHBC M1 need a cox for Champs Eights Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, I'm sorry for the blanket e-mail. Hughes Hall are in need of an emergency cox for their M1 race tomorrow (at 12 pm). If anyone is interested, please contact me at jp.hhbc at or call 07585602054. Thank you, John Parker HHBC Captain From tom at Tue May 20 20:21:27 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 21:21:27 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps 2014 - Provisional Start Order Message-ID: Dear all The provisional start order for May Bumps 2014 is now available on the CUCBC website . Please be aware that this is subject to change if there are any scratches and after the Getting-on Race results. There will be 9 divisions. The bottom division will be a split M6/W4. The top 6 stations will be M6 and the bottom 12 will be W4. Division times are now updated. Please note that racing will end at the normal time (i.e. M1 starts at 19:45 as usual) and the first division of the day will just start 45 minutes later. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any queries about the start order or racing in general. Best wishes Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Thu May 22 13:09:04 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 14:09:04 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] CUCBC Committee Positions 2014-15 Message-ID: *Captains: Please pass this message on to anyone in your club who may beinterested in CUCBC Committee Positions* Dear all With the May Bumps fast approaching and the academic year almost over, we are starting to think about appointing next year's CUCBC Executive Committee. There are four open positions, all of which are open to **any**member of the College boat clubs. Involvement with the CUCBC committee is fun and rewarding and a good way of giving something back to College rowing in Cambridge, so if you are enthusiastic about college rowing and would like to get involved on the organisational side, please do consider applying for a position. While there are a number of defined jobs, responsibilities (particularly organising and umpiring the major races) tend to be shared between committee members who will work together throughout the year. If you wish to run for any of these positions, please send a brief manifesto outlining your experience and what you will bring to the position to Tom Grimble, CUCBC Honorary Secretary (tom at, by Friday 6th June. I also strongly recommend getting involved in umpiring this year?s May Bumps (details of which will follow in the next week). Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to know more. *CUCBC Honorary Secretary* This position will be elected at the pre-May Bumps Captains' Meeting (Sunday 8th June) by the College Captains. Candidates will give a brief speech to the Captains before they vote. Current: Tom Grimble (tom at The Honorary Secretary is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the CUCBC committee; organisation of CUCBC events (Uni IVs, Lents, SBR, Mays) and day-to-day administration of College rowing. This includes issuing fines and dealing with straight forward appeals, compiling agendas and minutes for the Captains' meetings, arranging marshalling rotas and organising the start of year LBCs' course. You will also be the Captains' main representative on the Executive Committee. The Honorary Secretary will generally take responsibility for organising one of the CUCBC events, while the others will be distributed between committee members. While there are a number of responsibilities, they are spread out over the year and completed with the help of the other committee members. This is a rewarding job for an energetic and enthusiastic person! *Junior Treasurer* This position will be co-opted by the current Executive Committee. Current: Henk-Jaap Wagenaar (juniortreasurer at The junior treasurer takes responsibility for the day-to-day running of CUCBC's finances, including drawing up and distributing bills to the College Boat Clubs and preparing the budget with the Senior Treasurer. *Events Secretary* This position (1 or more persons, as deemed appropriate) will be co-opted by the current Executive Committee. Current: Philip Garsed (events at The events secretary helps with the organisation and running of CUCBC races. While overall responsibility for the CUCBC events will be divided between committee members (so you will not have to do everything!), the events secretary helps out with arranging umpires and organising and distributing umpiring kit. You will also liaise with the producers of the Bumps programmes and arrange the presentations and upkeep of the University medals and trophies. A fun job if you want to get involved with running races on the Cam! *Coxes' Representative* This position will be elected at the May Bumps Coxes' Meetings (Sunday 8th June) by the coxes. Current: Mat Bryan (coxing at The coxes' rep aids the development of coxes within the College boat clubs, including arranging the novice coxes' meeting in Michaelmas term as well as giving the pre-Bumps coxes' briefings and any other ideas you may have! In addition to these positions, the CUCBC Committee also comprises the Honorary Secretaries of the three University clubs (CUBC, CUWBC, CULRC). Each of these clubs have their own election procedures which will be or have already been circulated by the current Honorary Secretaries. We look forward to hearing from you! Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jp.hhbc at Mon May 26 11:54:51 2014 From: jp.hhbc at (John Parker) Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 12:54:51 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Coxing for Hughes Hall Men Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, Would anyone be interested in coxing Hughes Hall in the run up to Bumps? We have lost one of our team at short notice. There will be many opportunities to work with any of our three boats and we would be happy for a committed individual to cox one of our lower boats in the race itself. Please contact me on jp.hhbc at or on 07585602054 if you are interested. Thank you, John Parker HHBC Captain From tom at Mon May 26 13:50:14 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 14:50:14 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps 2014 - Getting-on Race Message-ID: Dear all The May Bumps 2014 Getting-on Race will be held on the afternoon of Friday 6th June. There are 30 men's crews competing for 15 places in the M5 and M6 divisions. There are 32 women's crews competing for 16 places in the W3 and W4 divisions. The Start Orderfor the race is now available. There will be 2 divisions, the first marshaling at 15:45 for men's crews and the second marshaling at 16:30 for women's crews. Marshaling instructions are available here , please make sure all competing crews have read these. The first division will marshal at Baitsbite lock, the second division will marshal in reverse racing order between the Railway Bridge and the P&E, with the bottom crew furthest downstream. Any scratch notifications should be emailed to tom at and juniortreasurer at before 5pm Wednesday 4th June for a a full refund. Any sub requests should also be sent in for consideration. Please remember that anyone that rows in a successful Getting-on race crew is not permitted to row in a higher boat for bumps, so please do not use subs from your 1st/2nd boats etc. We are aware that some exams clash with these race times, but it is not possible to move the start any later. If there are any questions feel free to drop me an email. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From events at Tue May 27 21:00:28 2014 From: events at (CUCBC Events) Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 22:00:28 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps 2014 - Call for Umpires! Message-ID: **Please forward this message to any members of your club who may be interested in umpiring** Dear all, With only a few short weeks until the start of the May Bumps (11th - 14th June), we are looking to recruit umpires for this year's racing. Umpiring is a great way to get involved in the racing and you get the chance to be right at the centre of the action - either by cycling along with the crews or acting as a static umpire along the course. As a 'thank you' for your time, all umpires will be offered a *free dinner* (including drinks) at the Cambridge Blue pub, the week after bumps. Those who volunteer to umpire also count towards their college's marshal allocation. You don't need to have umpired before. There will be a meeting for all umpires ahead of racing where we explain everything and all new umpires are paired with a 'senior' one during racing. However, we do ask that you have rowed or coxed in at least 2 sets of bumps before so that you understand how the races work. Please remember that you can both compete and umpire. I suggest you leave 2 divisions clear before your race and 1 after to allow you to get to and from the boathouses. The division times are available here . The umpires meeting is currently scheduled for Sunday 8th June @ 17:30 in Robinson College Umney Theatre and should last about half an hour. So, why not get involved and click here to sign up! (Why not invite your friends too?) If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at events at *If you sign up earlier, you stand a better chance of getting the number/type of slots you prefer!* Philip Garsed CUCBC Events Secretary events at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From events at Fri May 30 22:02:11 2014 From: events at (CUCBC Events) Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 23:02:11 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps Umpiring - Second Call! Message-ID: Dear all, I'd just like to remind you that we're still looking to recruit umpires for this year's May Bumps. It's a great way to be part of the racing (without too much physical effort) and enjoy being by the river in the sunshine. If you have haven't signed up yet, do so now! I'll be arranging the rota from next week and the quicker you are, the more likely you are to get to do the slots you want - don't forget there is also an excellent free dinner at stake! Captains - do encourage people in your clubs who haven't umpired before to give it a go. Providing more umpires directly reduces the number of marshals required of you for bumps, and people with experience of helping to run races are great for organising college events and coaching. No umpiring experience is necessary, just experience of rowing/coxing in two sets of bumps. If you haven't tried it before, give it a go - there is a good reason so many umpires return year after year. The sign-up form is here: Any questions, contact me at events at Philip Garsed CUCBC Events Secretary events at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: