From tom at Sun Jun 1 17:04:09 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2014 18:04:09 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Combined Evening Hour Tomorrow - X-Press Head Message-ID: Dear all Due to the race tomorrow evening, the river will be closed to non competing crews from 7pm. Therefore there will be a single combined evening hour for both men and women from 5:30pm up until the closure time. Please make sure you are clear and upstream of Chesterton by this time. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Wed Jun 4 13:45:28 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 14:45:28 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps 2014 - Coxes' Briefings Message-ID: **Captains please make sure all competing coxes in your club receive this message** Dear all The May Bumps Coxes' Meetings will be held in Robinson College Umney Theatre on Sunday 8th June. There will be 2 meetings: 18:00 - Senior Coxes who have coxed bumps before 18:30 - Novice Coxes who have NOT coxed bumps before All coxes who are competing during bumps are required to attend. A register will be taken and those who fail to turn up may be fined. If you are unable to make either of the meetings please ensure that you send a suitable representative for your crew who can report back any important information. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Fri Jun 6 11:59:56 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2014 12:59:56 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Strawberry Fair Message-ID: Dear Captains & Coxes Please be aware it is Strawberry Fair this weekend. We advise crews to take extra care when out over the next few days and to make sure you have mobile phones with you when coxing in case of any incidents. If there are any violent incidents you should call the police immediately and they will also be out patrolling along the river. Please make sure to lock up boathouses securely and perhaps avoid cycling along Midsummer Common when coaching as it will be busy, instead meeting crews further down the river. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From events at Fri Jun 6 20:20:07 2014 From: events at (CUCBC Events) Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2014 21:20:07 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps umpires - more needed! Message-ID: Dear all, With bumps starting on Wednesday, we are still short of umpires for some divisions, particularly in the middle divisions of the day (W2 is particularly consistently low on numbers). We also need more umpires for *all* of the last 6 divisions on Saturday. If you have umpired before, please sign up now - we need you! If you are a member of a crew/ captain of a club with a boat that has had to scratch from bumps or was unlucky in the getting-on race, please consider doing a few umpiring slots or asking others within these crews if they would be interested. Umpiring is great fun and also gets you a free dinner the week after bumps! You only need experience of racing in two sets of bumps to umpire. Sign up here: Thanks, Philip Garsed CUCBC Events Secretary events at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Sun Jun 8 14:53:02 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2014 15:53:02 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Meeting Reminder: May Bumps 2014 Captains, Coxes and Umpires Message-ID: Dear all Just a reminder about this afternoon's meetings starting in just over an hour in Robinson College Umney Theatre. - 5pm - Captains' Meeting - 5:30pm - Umpire's Briefing - 6pm - Senior Coxes' Briefing (have coxed bumps before) - 6;30pm - Novice Coxes' Briefing Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From coxing at Mon Jun 9 08:30:24 2014 From: coxing at (Mat Bryan) Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 09:30:24 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Coxes' meeting presentation Mays 2014 Message-ID: Dear All, Please find at this link the presentation from yesterday's coxes' meeting. All the best for bumps, and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Mat. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Wed Jun 11 09:09:44 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 10:09:44 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Last minute start order change M5 & M6 divisions Message-ID: Dear all There has been a last minute change to the start order. There is no longer a Darwin IV crew and therefore all crews below them (bottom of M5 and all of M6) will move up 1 place. Clare Hall M2 are now in division M5. St Catharine's M6 as the fastest non-qualifying crew will race at the foot of M6 division (station 6). Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Wed Jun 11 23:22:35 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:22:35 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps 2014 - Wednesday Results and Notes & Fines Message-ID: Dear all Thanks to everyone for a great first day of racing and we're looking forward to an exciting week! The results from today are available here . *Notes from the Umpires* - All crews must marshal on time, there were far too many crews arriving late today and delaying racing due to being out of order. We will not wait for you if you are too late to get to the start. - Coxes please check behind you before clearing to see where racing crews are. - All crew paddling home should expect to be held below the railway bridge to allow the next division to push off. - Crew already above the railway bridge and going home should keep left until past Peter's Posts to allow marshalled boats to push off. - Marshalled crews pushing off to the start should keep left until they reach the railway bridge after which they should resume normal navigation. - Please keep bank party sizes to a maximum of 4 and take care of where you are cycling. The towpath will get busier as the week progresses and we've already had some accidents today. *Fines* - Christ's M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Corpus Christi M3 - Early celebration - ?20 - Corpus Christi M3 - Impeding chasing crew - ?50 - Darwin M3 - Failure to clear - ?50 - Downing M1 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Emmanuel M1 - Very late to marshalling - ?20 - Hughes Hall M2 - Failure to hold it up, early celebration and failure to clear - ?25 - Hughes Hall M2 - Late to marshal due to swapping blades - ?20 - Fitzwilliam M2 - Very late to marshalling - ?20 - Girton M2 - Dangerous coxing on row home - ?30 - Jesus M4 - Late to marshal due to boat swapping - LMBC M1 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - LMBC M2 - Very late to marshalling - ?20 - LMBC M4 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Magdalene W2 - Failure to concede - ?20 - Peterhouse W1 - Late to marshalling - ?20 - Sidney Sussex M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Wolfson M2 - Dangerous failure to clear - ?50 - Corpus Christi - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Downing - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - First and Third - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Fitzwilliam - Late marshal - ?5 - Jesus - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - LMBC - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Pembroke - Inexperienced marshal - ?5 - St Catharine's - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Trinity Hall - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Clare M1 - This - Consider modelling if rowing doesn't work out for you - Selwyn supporters at Grassy - Banner saying "Try" - Try harder with motivation - M1 division - Too many rowovers - Do something interesting tomorrow otherwise we'll randomise the start order for the rest of the week All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer ( seniortreasurer at within 48 hours. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From coxing at Thu Jun 12 09:39:17 2014 From: coxing at (Mat Bryan) Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 10:39:17 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Information on marshalling for bumps Message-ID: Dear coxes, I just wanted to draw to your attention part of the notes from yesterday concerning the circulation pattern for marshalling for bumps, now that we are on the towpath side. - All crews paddling home after racing, but below the railway bridge, should expect to be held on the reach near the railway bridge to allow the next division to push off. - Crews already above the railway bridge and going home should keep to the left hand side (i.e. reverse of normal navigation) until past Peter's Posts to allow marshalled boats to push off. - Marshalled crews pushing off to go to the start should keep left (i.e. reverse of normal navigation) until they reach the railway bridge, after which they should resume normal navigation. Do not push off and aim directly for the railway bridge, as most of you did yesterday - keep left, then cross over as you would at the normal crossover points. This system will be enforced by an umpire at the railway bridge, who will hold crews travelling upstream to allow marshalling crews to cross over. The system will only work if we all stick to it, so please try to adhere for the rest of the week. Some further points: - Do not overtake in the marshalling zone, generally a queue will have formed for a reason (probably due to someone not following the above plan) - if you try to overtake then you will likely make the situation worse. - Do not be late to marshalling - the marshalling zone overlaps with the racing course, any crew attempting to marshall during racing will be told to park on the Stourbridge common side of the river upstream of the finish until racing has finished, and will not be treated kindly. - For your reference, when marshalling, boats 1 to 6 should occupy the space between the P&E and the start of the apex at Morley's Holt, and boats 7 to 18 between the apex and the railway bridge, unless told otherwise by the umpires. Do not park on the red tape attached to the aforementioned apex. Please let me know if you have any questions, and could Captains please pass this along to coxes, coaches, and their crews where relevant. Good luck for the rest of the week, Mat. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Fri Jun 13 00:41:33 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 01:41:33 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps 2014 - Thursday Results and Notes & Fines Message-ID: Dear all Thanks to everyone for another exciting day of racing. The results from today are now updated on the CUCBC website . * Notes from the Umpires* - All crew are reminded that practice starts are not permitted at the railway bridge. - When pushing out from marshalling crews should stay left until the reach the railway bridge then they cross over and resume normal navigation. Crew paddling home from racing must wait below the railway bridge until instructed. - All excessive bank party fines will be doubled for Saturday. The towpath will be incredibly busy and accidents can easily happen. Fines increases will now be accrued by the whole club rather than by individual crews. *Fines* - Caius M2 - Practice start at railway bridge - ?20 - Churchill M1 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Churchill M2 - Late to marshalling - ?20 - Churchill M3 - Failure to hold it up - ?20 - First and Third M1 - Obstructing an umpire - ?30 - Girton M1 - Abusive behaviour by bank party - ?50 - Girton M1 - Uploading video of abusive behaviour to youtube - Distances to be called by miming from the bank, costumes mandatory. - Homerton M1 - Late to marshalling - ?20 - Hughes Hall M1 - Very late to marshalling - ?20 + a clock - Hughes Hall M2 - Boating without full crew - ?50 (+?50 for Wednesday) - Hughes Hall M3 - Boating without full crew - ?50 (+?50 for Wednesday) - Jesus W3 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Jesus M5 - Boating without full crew - ?50 - LMBC M1 - Public urination - ?80 - LMBC M3 - Late to hold it up - ?20 - LMBC M5 - Public urination - ?80 - Magdalene W1 - Late to marshal - ?20 - Pembroke M4 - Public urination - ?80 - Pembroke W3 - Failure to concede - ?50 - Pembroke M6 - Public urination - ?80 - Queens' M2 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Queens' M2 - Failure to concede - ?25 - Queens' M3 - Failure to clear - ?30 - Robinson M1 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Selwyn M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Sidney Sussex - M1 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - St Catharine's M1 - Failure to concede - ?20 - St Catharine's W2 - Failure to clear - ?30 - Trinity Hall M1 - No lifejacket - ?50 - Trinity Hall M2 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Downing - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Caius - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Darwin - Marshal getting lost on way to grassy - ?5 + a map - Homerton - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Selwyn - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Trinity Hall - Failure to provide marshal (2nd) - ?30 - St Edmund's M1 - Inability to spell college name for 2nd year running - Crew shirts to be rearranged to spell "NUDES STD", do whatever you like with the M. All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer ( seniortreasurer at within 48 hours of this email. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From coxing at Fri Jun 13 09:50:21 2014 From: coxing at (Mat Bryan) Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:50:21 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Further clarification of marshalling system Message-ID: Dear All, Well done on *mostly *following the plan yesterday. There were obviously issues outside of our control, but it was certainly smoother than Wednesday. The points that need reiterating are as such: - Crews on the reach moving upstream must stop BEFORE the Railway Bridge to allow marshalling crews to go down. Try to pre-empt the marshals by stopping in good time. - Crews pushing off should keep left until the crossover point, which is just UPSTREAM of the Railway Bridge - too many crews were keeping left till halfway down the reach yesterday. - Crews coming down from the boathouses to marshal must cross over at Peter's posts and begin left hand navigation before parking. There may be crews coming upstream who you are likely to meet. Crews moving upstream have priority at Peter's Posts, so wait for them next to Stourbridge common. - Any crew arriving late to marshal must not enter the racing course during racing, park on Stourbridge common upstream of the finish and await marshal's instructions. Here are the instructions again in handy diagram form , please check that you understand and hopefully today will go even more smoothly. We understand that the change to the status quo is disruptive, but we believe this minimises the potential for delays if everyone follows the plan. Good luck for today and tomorrow, Mat. (Captains please pass this along to all relevant persons). -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Fri Jun 13 23:51:16 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 00:51:16 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps 2014 - Friday Results and Notes & Fines Message-ID: Dear all Thanks to everyone for a very successful and smooth running day of racing. We hope everyone hasn't got too sunburnt so far this week. The latest results from today's races are now available here . *Notes from the Umpires* - Please remember bank party sizes are strictly limited to 4 cyclists. The towpath will be incredibly busy tomorrow and can be very dangerous if there are too many cyclists. Please take lots of care when cycling and could clubs also ask their spectators to keep clear of the path during racing. All excess bank party fines will be doubled tomorrow. - Bank parties must not impede umpires. With the busy towpath we need a clear view of the racing. - Please marshal on time tomorrow. Any delays in racing will simply mean everyone will be late for BCD. - Coxes are reminded that they must keep control of their crews upon bumping or being bumped. Your crew must keep on rowing if they get bumped otherwise this can lead to dangerous collisions. *Fines* - Caius M1 - No lifejacket (and only realised 7 minutes before the start) - ?50 + whole crew to wear lifejackets for row up tomorrow just in case - Caius W1 - Foul and abusive language - ?25 - Christ's W2 - Very serious failure to acknowledge - ?75 - Christ's M3 - Rowing at race pace while marshalling into another crew - ?20 - Churchill M1 - Early celebration - ?20 - Clare Hall W1 - Stopped rowing upon being bumped - ?20 - Corpus Christi W1 - Aggressive coxing on row home - ?30 - Corpus Christi M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Girton M1 - Stopped rowing upon being bumped causing serious collision - ?75 - Girton M1 - Abusive language towards an umpire - ?50 - Homerton M1 - Foul and abusive language - ?25 - Hughes Hall/Lucy Cavendish W1 - Failure to easy after bump awarded - ?30 - Jesus M2 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - LMBC W1 - Excessive greenery (half a tree) - Other half of tree to be used as ballast for tomorrow's race - LMBC M2 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Magdalene M2 - Noise pollution, constant 3 peeps on whistle at 1 length - A ruler - Magdalene M3 - 7 man racing without shirt - Wear morph suit for racing tomorrow - Pembroke W3 - Late to marshalling - ?20 - Peterhouse M2 - Serious failure to hold it up and early celebration - ?60 - Robinson M1 - Dropped bung, small advantage, did not affect outcome - ?20 - Robinson M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Selwyn W1 - Ignoring umpire's instructions - ?20 - Sidney Sussex W2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - St Catharine's M5 - Failure to concede - ?20 - St Edmund's M1 - Foul and abusive language - ?30 - Trinity Hall M2 - Practice start at railway bridge - ?20 - Wolfson M2 - Lying down past control - Bring pillows for row home tomorrow - Caius - Failure to provide marshal (2nd) - ?30 - Darwin - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Girton - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Jesus - Failure to provide marshal (2nd) - ?30 - LMBC - Failure to provide marshal (2nd) - ?30 - Queens' - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer ( seniortreasurer at within 48 hours of this email. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Sat Jun 14 09:02:19 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 10:02:19 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] No toilets at Baitsbite Message-ID: Dear all Please be aware that the toilets at Baitsbite have been set on fire by persons unknown and are now a melted heap of plastic and therefore will not be usable today. Please plan accordingly. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Sat Jun 14 22:46:27 2014 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 23:46:27 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Not Operational Flag Message-ID: The flag is Not Operational. CUCBC does not set the flag status during vacations. The CUCBC Committee From agoyder at Tue Jun 17 09:31:40 2014 From: agoyder at (Andrew Goyder) Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 10:31:40 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Looking for Cox for a 6.45 outing tonight - Xpress men's eight Message-ID: Dear coxes We are in need of a substitute cox for an outing of Xpress M1 VIII at 6.45 pm tonight from the CRA boat house. We are a very friendly bunch, and hope that now that the May bumps are over, someone might appreciate an evening's training with a slight more 'mature' crew. You assistance is much appreciated, and you might well get a drink bought for you at The Old Spring if you wish. Hope someone can help Andrew Goyder From tom at Tue Jun 17 21:51:22 2014 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 22:51:22 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps 2014 - Saturday Results and Notes & Fines Message-ID: Dear all Many thanks to all crews, bank parties, spectators and umpires for making the week's racing a big success. We hope everyone had a enjoyable week. The final results are available on the CUCBC website . Apologies for the slight delay in publishing the fines. *Fines* - Christ's W1 - Abusive language towards an umpire - ?50 - Churchill M1 - Excessive bank party - ?60 - Clare W2 - Late concession - ?20 - Darwin W2 - Excessive bank party - ?60 - Downing M1 - Excessive bank party - ?60 - Emmanuel W1 - Excessive bank party - ?60 - First and Third W1 - Excessive bank party - ?60 - First and Third M3 - Foul and abusive language to another crew - ?25 - Jesus M2 - Late to marshalling - ?20 - LMBC M2 - Excessive bank party - ?60 - LMBC M3 - Very slow to clear - ?25 - Magdalene W2 - Failure to clear - ?40 - Pembroke W2 - Practice start at railway bridge - ?20 - Pembroke M4 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Queens' M1 - Excessive bank party - ?60 - Queens' W3 - Late concession - ?40 - Robinson M1 - Dropped bung, small advantage, did not affect outcome - ?20 - Homerton W1 - Excessive greenery - Cultivate greenery and run a plant stall on towpath for Lents 2015 - Jesus M5 - Awful singing on row home - Audition for college choir - LMBC M1 - Crashing on long reach on row down - Minimum of 2 buckets in all future LMBC crews - St Edmund's M2 - Flag without flag pole - Woodwork lessons for crew All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer ( seniortreasurer at within 48 hours of this email. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jo344 at Wed Jun 25 12:10:09 2014 From: jo344 at (Jason Olsthoorn) Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 13:10:09 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Summer Coxing For HHBC Message-ID: <> Good Afternoon, My name is Jason Olsthoorn and I am contacting you today on behalf of the Hughes Hall boat club. As a college for mature and graduate students, many of our boat club members will be remaining in Cambridge for the summer. We would like to continue to row during these months, however we are in need of coxes for our m1 boat and below. If you have any interest in coxing over the summer months while in Cambridge, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time, Jason Olsthoorn PhD Candidate in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics HHBC Men's Captain