[CUCBC Coxes] Early Morning Noise

Holly Hedgeland holly at cucbc.org
Thu Feb 21 18:28:14 UTC 2013

Dear all,

Today, I have received a further complaint from a resident concerning
early morning noise from coxes and coaches on the section of the river
outside the boathouses. I am disappointed that this matter has arisen
again so soon after my email to the Captains last month.

There should be no bank coaching here prior to 7.30am and coxing
commands should be minimal and unamplified. There is a bylaw to
prevent disturbance from amplified noise. The use of it would have
serious consequences, so please don't give the complainant any further
cause to do so.

To discourage you from making noise, those clubs reported as breaking
the 7.30am rule are being fined.

Please also bear this in mind next Monday and Tuesday when scheduling
bung starts practice.

Thank you,

Dr Holly Hedgeland
Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs

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