From tom at Tue Feb 5 00:10:07 2013 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 00:10:07 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Lents Bumps 2013 Start Order Message-ID: Dear all The provisional start order for the Lent Bumps 2013 is now available at This includes the list of crews entered into the Getting on Race, which will be held on the afternoon of Friday 22nd February. Further details about the timings will be circulated nearer the time. Kind regards Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ic274 at Tue Feb 5 12:33:11 2013 From: ic274 at (Iva Cek) Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 12:33:11 -0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Darwin W1 looking for an available cox Message-ID: <000901ce039c$f60afda0$e220f8e0$> Dear all, My name is Iva and I'm the women's captain at Darwin College. I'm afraid that our current W1 cox will be leaving us after Lent Bumps due to other commitments, which unfortunately leaves our W1 without a cox from March on. I was wondering whether there would be someone interested and motivated to cox our W1 crew fulltime? You would be our primary cox and hopefully also cox us through May Bumps. If you cannot dedicate so much time, we'd be more than happy if you could dedicate an outing or two a week for our crew. We are also more than happy to train you up if you are a novice cox. Any help is much appreciated! Many thanks and looking forward to hearing from you, All the best, Iva Cek Ph.D Candidate The Psychometrics Centre Department of Social Sciences Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 3RQ, U.K. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From katxprs at Tue Feb 5 18:33:18 2013 From: katxprs at (Katherine Brown) Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 18:33:18 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Xpress W1 crew Message-ID: <> Hi there, I'm the captain of the Xpress women's first boat, and we're currently having trouble finding a regular (or even semi-regular!) cox. Is anyone interested in coxing with us? We have regular outings at 8am Saturday and 10am Sunday, and sometimes on Thursday evenings (although the mid-week outing is flexible). If you're interested in trying out with us, please can you get back to me? Many thanks! Katherine Sent from my iPad From flag at Wed Feb 6 11:28:23 2013 From: flag at (flag at Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 11:28:23 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Very strong winds currently. The situation will be reassessed later this afternoon. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Wed Feb 6 22:17:07 2013 From: flag at (flag at Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 22:17:07 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. The CUCBC Committee From tom at Tue Feb 12 12:37:19 2013 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 12:37:19 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Reminder about Crossover Points, Spinning and Racing Starts Message-ID: Dear all A few reminders about common sense and keeping things moving in the busy mornings. Please pass this on to coaches etc in your club if they are not on the coxes list. *Crossover Points* Crews travelling *UPSTREAM* have priority at both crossing points. Upstream means going from Baitsbite lock back towards the boathouses. If in doubt throw a twig in the river and watch which way it goes (small twigs only please - before someone throws a tree stump in on CUCBC recommendations!) If you are going downstream and see another crew coming, STOP and WAIT. There have a been a lot of incidents of crews attempting a quick crossover ahead of an upstream crew as soon as they see them coming. This normally ends in both crews crossing to the same side and they end up on a collision course. Hence cue a few minutes of disentangling blades with lots of people waiting.... When you crossover you should do so quickly and you should also make your manoeuvre at the position of the signs that mark the points, not 50+ metres early as you come out of a corner as this is also likely to lead to collisions and confusion for concoming crews. *Spinning Points* Crews should queue on the correct side of the river and spin 1 at a time once it is clear. Please make sure that when you spin, you spin quickly, especially on busy mornings like today and get moving to clear the way for the next crew as quickly as possible. Please do not pull in to the bank in the spinning areas and especially do not sit in the middle of the river to have a chat with your coach for a few minutes. When you are queueing to spin please keep control of your boat and stay tucked into one side of the river. By all means do exercises to keep warm, but not ones that involve your boat moving around while waiting. If you are skewed or on the wrong side of the river (2 or 3 cases I saw this morning) boats cannot get clear to allow others to spin. Therefore you are going to be sitting in the cold for longer. Rowing VIIIs are not that compressible, you have to let some out before you can fit more in to spin! An even more heinous crime is to suddenly decide your crew doesn't have to wait in the queue and then spin in front of and block everyone trying to ecape the spinning carnage. I would class this in the same category as people who steal your food from college kitchens and those who tell you who got fired in the Apprentice as you're about to watch it on iplayer... basically the worst kind of people. Don't be that person! Please let's try and make mornings more bearable as its only going to get worse in the run up to bumps. *Racing Starts (and slow exercises)* It's the time of the year that everyone is practising their first few strokes of bumps starts. If you're just doing the first 1-3 strokes, stopping then doing it again it would be helpful to confine this practise to the long reach. The section of river up to Baitsbite lock is narrower and it is sometimes practically impossible for people to overtake due to lots of traffic. This is basically the recommendation of adapting your outing plan to fit how busy the river is and considering that other crews might want to do do a race piece rather than matching your stop start rowing. If the river is empty behind you by all means do stop-starts to your heart's content. If you're holding up any number of cold, miserable and tired crews who just want to get moving please let them pass or get moving yourself. You've almost all certainly been in that position yourselves so please think of things from other's perspective. In summary... Please play nice with others! Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Sun Feb 17 18:49:47 2013 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2013 18:49:47 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Lent Bumps 2013 Coxes' Briefing Message-ID: **Captains, please ensure this message is passed on to all competing coxes especially those who have not coxed bumps before** Dear Coxes The Lent Bumps Coxes' Brefings will take place on Sunday 24th February in Robinson College Umney Theatre. There will be two talks as follows - 18:00 - Senior Coxes - those who have coxed bumps before - 18:30 - Novice Coxes - those who have never coxed bumps before Attendance is mandatory for all competing coxes. A register will be taken for all competing crews and there will be fines for anyone who does not attend. If you are unable to attend you should send a suitable representative from your crew to relay all important information. Many thanks Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From holly at Thu Feb 21 18:28:14 2013 From: holly at (Holly Hedgeland) Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 18:28:14 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Early Morning Noise Message-ID: Dear all, Today, I have received a further complaint from a resident concerning early morning noise from coxes and coaches on the section of the river outside the boathouses. I am disappointed that this matter has arisen again so soon after my email to the Captains last month. There should be no bank coaching here prior to 7.30am and coxing commands should be minimal and unamplified. There is a bylaw to prevent disturbance from amplified noise. The use of it would have serious consequences, so please don't give the complainant any further cause to do so. To discourage you from making noise, those clubs reported as breaking the 7.30am rule are being fined. Please also bear this in mind next Monday and Tuesday when scheduling bung starts practice. Thank you, Holly -- Dr Holly Hedgeland Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs From tom at Mon Feb 25 14:33:01 2013 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 14:33:01 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Lent Bumps 2013 Programmes on Sale Message-ID: Dear all Lent Bumps programmes are now on sale in all college porters lodges. They are ?3 each and the proceeds from sales go directly towards supporting CUWBC and CULRC in their quest to destroy Oxford. Please encourage all of your club members and their friends and families to purchase them. Programmes will also be on sale at Control Desk and at the Plough pub throughout the week's racing. Many thanks Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From coxing at Mon Feb 25 17:03:32 2013 From: coxing at (Mat Bryan) Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 17:03:32 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Coxing Talk Slides Message-ID: Dear All, Please find yesterday's coxing talk slides at this link . Feel free to send any queries you may have. Best, Mat Bryan. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Mon Feb 25 20:37:36 2013 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 20:37:36 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Change to Start Order - M4 division Message-ID: Dear all Due to the scratch of Pembroke M3 in the M4 division, the start order has been updated. Most crews in the division have moved up 1 place and Sidney Sussex M2 have been invited to row at the bottom of the division as the fastest non-qualifying crew. Please make sure all your crews and bank parties are aware of this change. Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Tue Feb 26 19:44:00 2013 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 19:44:00 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Tuesday Results and Notes & Fines Message-ID: Dear all Thanks to all crews for making the first day of racing a success. Results from today are now available on the CUCBC website here . *Note from the Umpires* - If you bump up please make sure your crew knows to hold it up. There were a large number of incidents of late responses from crews on bumping today. - Please do not leave any litter along the towpath. The weight of a water bottle will seriously not affect your performance. - Please make sure your crews are fully aware of where their finishes are. Please check with the umpires if you are unsure and listen if they are telling you to stop. - Please know your position in the start order so you know where to marshal and make sure you push off in order and stay in that order on the way to the start. - Bank parties are strictly limited to 4 cyclists. Fines will be levied against crews with more than 4 people accompanying them during the race as the extra people make the towpath much busier and dangerous. *Fines* Fines may be appealed by e-mailing Chris Balmer, CUCBC Senior Treasurer ( seniortreasurer at within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent. - Christ's M2 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Churchill M4 - Very late pushing off at the start - Buy a new stopwatch - Churchill W2 - Failure to hold it up on bumping - ?20 - Churchill M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Clare Hall W1 - Failure to clear, causing another crew to crash and ignoring umpire's instructions - ?50 - Dawin M2 - Late to hold it up - Warning - Homerton W2 - Late to hold it up - Warning - Jesus W2 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Jesus W2 - Failure to hold it up on bumping - ?30 - LMBC M3 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - LMBC W2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - LMBC M2 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Queens' M4 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Queens' M4 - Dangerous coxing and failure to stop after the finish - ?60 Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Wed Feb 27 22:08:05 2013 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 22:08:05 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Wednesday Results and Notes & Fines Message-ID: Many thanks to all crews for another good day of racing. Were certainly some interesting and amusing moments today. Today's results are now updated on the CUCBC website here . Notes from the Umpires - All coxes should know where their finishes are. If you are in any doubt please ask the umpires. - Please be aware that we had reports of dogs being stolen along the river today. Please be warned if you have yours with you! - Please remember that bank party size is limited to 4. This is for the safety of everyone cycling along the towpath. - We would like to remind all crews that the deadline for any appeal on results is 30 minutes after the start gun of that division. After this time we will not consider any appeal no matter what evidence you have. This should be more than enough time to query your crew and bank party if there is anything uncertain in the result and report it to the Chief Umpire via an umpire with a radio or at Control Desk. It is your responsibility to make contact with us. Fines Fines may be appealed by e-mailing Chris Balmer, CUCBC Senior Treasurer ( seniortreasurer at within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent. - Churchill M3 - Failure to clear - ?20 - Darwin M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Fitzwilliam M2 - Failure to clear - Warning - Girton M1 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Homerton W2 - Dangerous coxing - ?30 - King's W2 - Failure to clear - ?30 - LMBC M1 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Robinson M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Selwyn M3 - Failure to clear - ?30 - St Catharine's W2 - Failure to clear - ?30 - St Edmund's M1 - Failure to hold it up - ?30 - Darwin - Failure to provide marshal (Tues) -?15 - Hughes Hall - Failure to provide marshal (Tues) -?15 - LMBC - Failure to provide marshal (Tues) -?15 - Pembroke - Failure to provide marshal (Tues) -?15 - St Edmund's - Failure to provide marshal (Tues) -?15 - Hughes Hall - Failure to provide marshal (Wed) -?15 - LMBC - Failure to provide marshal (Wed) -?15 - Pembroke - Failure to provide marshal (Wed) -?15 - Sidney Sussex - Failure to provide marshal (Wed) -?15 - St Catharine's - Failure to provide marshal (Wed) -?15 - Christ's Boatman - Going for a swim at the start - Bring your swimming shorts for the rest of the week - Churchill M4 - Losing a blade during the race - Next time get out and push - Clare Hall M1 - Parking on the bank across a stream - Chest high fishing waders for bow 3 Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tom at Thu Feb 28 21:26:12 2013 From: tom at (Tom Grimble) Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 21:26:12 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Thursday Results and Notes & Fines Message-ID: Dear all There will be a re-row of 3 crews from the W1 division tomorrow. This re-row will start at 13:15 ahead of the W3 division. All W3 crews should marshal EARLY on station by 13:00. The top 3 crews of W3 should marshal downstream of their stations until the re-row has started. The W3 division will aim to run on schedule at 13:20. Crews marshalling for the M3 division will be marshalling at the normal time but along Stourbridge Common i.e. opposite the Control Desk in reverse order due to the full length course being needed for the re-row. Notes from the Umpires - Crews are reminded that they should not leave litter on the towpath. Any crews found to have left litter on the towpath will be fined ?80. - Bank parties are reminded that they should give way to the umpires following their crews. This includes anyone taking videos of the crew. Anyone getting in the way of umpires trying to adjudicate a bump will be fined for obstruction. - Bank parties may not use megaphones at any time. - Bank party size is STRICTLY limited to 4. - *Any crew that rows into a stationary crew will be disqualified.* FinesFines may be appealed by e-mailing Chris Balmer, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent. - Christ's M2 - Littering - ?80 - Darwin M2 - Failure to wind down after the finish- ?30 - Jesus W2 - Excessive bank party - ?30 - Sidney Sussex M1 - Dropped bung, no advantage - ?15 - Queens' M2 - Failure to clear - ?30 - Hughes Hall - Failure to provide marshal (3rd offence) - ?45 - Sidney Sussex - Failure to provide marshal (2nd offence) - ?30 Tom Grimble CUCBC Honorary Secretary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: