From dan at Tue May 1 14:05:51 2012 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 15:05:51 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] CUCBC Committee Positions 2012-13 Message-ID: <005801cd27a3$85c49d60$914dd820$> *Captains: Please pass this message on to anyone in your club who may be interested in CUCBC Committee Positions* Hi all With the May Bumps fast approaching and the academic year almost over, we are starting to think about appointing next year's CUCBC Executive Committee. There are four open positions, all of which are open to *any* member of the College boat clubs. Involvement with the CUCBC committee is fun and rewarding and a good way of giving something back to College rowing in Cambridge, so if you are enthusiastic about college rowing and would like to get involved on the organisational side, please do consider applying for a position. While there are a number of defined jobs, responsibilities (particularly organising and umpiring the major races) tend to be shared between committee members who will work together throughout the year. If you wish to run for any of these positions, please send a brief manifesto outlining your experience and what you will bring to the position to Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Honorary Secretary (dan at, by Sunday 3rd June. I also strongly recommend getting involved in umpiring this year's May Bumps (details of which to follow shortly). Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to know more. CUCBC Honorary Secretary This position will be elected at the pre-May Bumps Captains' Meeting (Sunday 10 June) by the College Captains. Candidates will give a brief speech to the Captains before they vote. Current: Dan Wilkins (dan at The Honorary Secretary is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the CUCBC committee; organisation of CUCBC events (Uni IVs, Lents, SBR, Mays) and day-to-day administration of College rowing. This includes issuing fines and dealing with straight forward appeals, compiling agendas and minutes for the Captains' meetings, arranging marshalling rotas and organising the start of year LBCs' course. You will also be the Captains' main representative on the Executive Committee. The Honorary Secretary will generally take responsibility for organising one of the CUCBC events, while the others will be distributed between committee members. While there are a number of responsibilities, they are spread out over the year and completed with the help of the other committee members. This is a rewarding job for an energetic and enthusiastic person! Junior Treasurer This position will be co-opted by the current Executive Committee. Current: Tom Grimble (juniortreasurer at The junior treasurer takes responsibility for the day-to-day running of CUCBC's finances, including drawing up and distributing bills to the College Boat Clubs and preparing the budget with the Senior Treasurer. Events Secretary This position (1 or 2 persons, as deemed appropriate) will be co-opted by the current Executive Committee. Current: Dave Lambert (events at The events secretary helps with the organisation and running of CUCBC races. While overall responsibility for the CUCBC events will be divided between committee members (so you will not have to do everything!), the events secretary helps out with arranging umpires and organising and distributing umpiring kit. You will also liase with the producers of the Bumps programmes and arrange the presentations and upkeep of the University medals and trophies. A fun job if you want to get involved with running races on the Cam! Coxes' Representative This position will be elected at the May Bumps Coxes' Meetings (Sunday 10 June) by the coxes. Current: Mat Bryan (coxing at The coxes' rep aids the development of coxes within the College boat clubs, including arranging the novice coxes' meeting in Michaelmas term as well as giving the pre-Bumps coxes' briefings and any other ideas you may have! In addition to these positions, the CUCBC Committee also comprises the Honorary Secretaries of the three University clubs (CUBC, CUWBC, CULRC). Each of these clubs have their own election procedures which will be or have already been circulated by the current Honorary Secretaries. We look forward to hearing from you! Dan -- Dan Wilkins CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Tue May 1 17:50:01 2012 From: flag at (flag at Date: Tue, 01 May 2012 18:50:01 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Thu May 3 13:09:41 2012 From: flag at (flag at Date: Thu, 03 May 2012 14:09:41 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Water levels have risen overnight. The Baits Bite sluice gates are over 30% open each at the moment and The Conservancy has just responded to a ???high high??? level warning for the upper river, opening the gates at Bishop???s Mill so a bulge of water will be coming through the City over the next few hours. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Thu May 3 18:50:43 2012 From: flag at (flag at Date: Thu, 03 May 2012 19:50:43 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: The gates at BaitsBite are now at 46.9% and 47.5%, i.e. wider than earlier today. The landing stage below the lock is out of use and crews should refrain from attempting to boat from it while it remains submerged. All crews should spin upstream of the spinning sign. Two crews are reported as having been swept downstream into the boom area due to spinning too far down: there is danger of capsize on the boom so you must spin before the sign. As visibility is poor, crews should be boating with lights. The CUCBC Committee From mark at Thu May 3 21:03:10 2012 From: mark at (Mark Jacobs) Date: Thu, 03 May 2012 22:03:10 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Dealing with stream Message-ID: <> Dear All, As you cannot have failed to notice, the stream on the Cam is moving faster than usual (i.e. faster than most glaciers). While we're not quite at Tideway stream levels, there are a few points that need a little more thought than usual during outings. 1) Boating Crews boating downstream (i.e. in the usual direction) will find themselves pushed back into the bank, risking serious damage to the underside of boats where the river has risen above the bank level. Unless you want to bend your fins and rudders on the hard, you would be well advised to boat upstream (towards Jesus lock), and spin where the river is wide enough to do so. By 'the river' I mean the bit between the banks - please take care over judging width where the banks are no longer visible. It is certainly safe to spin down at Jesus Lock, though most places outside the boathouses are tight but manageable. If in doubt, row on. When parking, it will be much easier and safer to park in the normal direction. 2) Spinning As you spin, the boat will be pushed further downstream than normal. There is no need to spin close to the lock - please give yourselves plenty of space. I would recommend spinning upstream of the large signs saying 'rowers spin here'. Any boats spinning close to the lock risk hitting the buoys or, in extreme cases, being pushed over the weir/capsizing. This is not speculation - in the last year a town sculler was pushed over the weir and was lucky to escape serious injury. 3) General Manoeuvring Be aware that any boats around you that are pushing off / spinning etc. will drift further than usual. Please give plenty of space when easying near such crews. 4) Outings towards Bottisham Lock We have been advised by the Cam Conservancy that the landing stage downstream of Baitsbite Lock is submerged and expected to remain so for the next few days. They have requested that crews do not attempt to boat over the lock until the landing stage is accessible. 5) Flag We expect the flag to stay yellow for the next few days, based on information from the Conservancy. We do not intend to prevent lower boats from racing this weekend, though the final responsibility will rest with the organisers. If the race goes ahead, please make sure that all lower boat crews are aware of the contents of this email, as marshalling will be more challenging than usual. I hope that over the next few days we can all be sensible in dealing with the stream. As ever, if you would like clarification or further advice, please contact me. Regards, Mark Jacobs CUCBC Safety Advisor From lesley at Sat May 5 08:51:31 2012 From: lesley at (Lesley Corbett) Date: Sat, 5 May 2012 09:51:31 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Champs Eights Head - Sunday 13th May 2012 - CLOSING DATE - TUESDAY 8TH MAY Message-ID: <003601cd2a9c$44733c80$cd59b580$@com> Hi Captains/Secretaries/Rowing Coaches/Coxes Thank you to those that have already entered online. ***REMINDER*** CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES IS NEXT TUESDAY 8TH MAY 6pm Link to info: Link to poster: Link to online entry form: DIVS AT 12.00, 1.30 and 3.00pm It is fine for crews to race in more than one division if space permits. This is a great pre Bumps Cam event for university and town club eights. The course runs from the Plough to the Penny Ferry - 1450 metres. PRIZES SPONSORS - MILTON BREWERY AND RIVERBOAT GEORGINA NEW THIS YEAR ? SILVERWARE FOR THE TROPHY CABINET. THE FASTEST LADIES AND MENS CREWS WILL BE AWARDED THE ?HELEN PATTERSON? and ?JOHN STEWART? TROPHIES 1. EVENT CATEGORIES Event Tankards (with free fill of Milton Brewery beer if collected at prizegiving at City boathouse) Entry categories: College Men?s 8s (Mays 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6) College Women?s 8s (Mays 1, 2, 3 & 4) College Alumni Men?s & Women?s 8s (new categories this year) CRA Men?s & Women?s 8s (Senior, Novice, Masters and Junior) (Getting on crews can enter Men?s Mays 6 or Ladies Mays 4 categories). 2. COURSE RECORD A magnum of Veuve Clicquot Champagne for the fastest men?s and ladies crews (Town or Gown) if they break the current Champs 8?s Head course record. These stand as 4m 24.1 seconds set by Downing M1 in 2008 and 5m.07.6 seconds set by Jesus W1 also in 2008. 3. JUDGED BEST STARTS 9 bottles of "Champs" for: Most Impressive Mens start Most Impressive Ladies start (Photos will also be taken of crews at the start and will be emailed to your club entries secretaries after the event FOC) 4. COXING PRIZES Coxes prizes for the judged best cornering of Ditton Corner First prize 2 tickets on a Georgina cruise (with a complimentary bottle of champagne) and a cox award tankard. 5 other special cox award tankards. Link for all previous years? results and copies of poster, map, safety plan and competitor information (downloadable documents at foot of Champs 8?s Head page): Online entry only via the Champion of the Thames RC Entry System : Payment by cheques payable to ?Champion of the Thames RC?, with crew entry details written on the reverse of the cheque to the address below (Closing date Tuesday 8th May 2012- 6.00pm) Please email with any queries to: events.secretary at Thank you Lesley =========================== Lesley Corbett Events Secretary Champion of the Thames RC 38 Chesterton Hall Crescent Cambridge CB4 1AP t: 01223 328418 =========================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Sun May 6 12:07:38 2012 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 06 May 2012 13:07:38 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. Outlook: River level has substantially decreased, but please do still be cautious when boating The CUCBC Committee From menscaptain at Tue May 8 11:19:26 2012 From: menscaptain at (Guy Goodrick) Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 12:19:26 +0100 (BST) Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] cox for Tues and Thurs Message-ID: City of Cambridge are looking for a cox for Tues (yes, tonight!) and Thurs eve this week. Both outings 6:45pm but we could probably be flexible. Email asap if you're interested. Thanks Guy -- Men's Captain City of Cambridge Rowing Club (07952) 472050 From dan at Thu May 10 12:49:27 2012 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 13:49:27 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Umpiring May Bumps Message-ID: <004301cd2eab$58cd0950$0a671bf0$> *Please pass this message on to anyone in your club who may be interested in umpiring* With the May Bumps coming up on 13-16 June, we're looking for umpires for this year's races. Umpiring is a really fun way to get involved in the Bumps - you get to see and be involved in the action from up close on the towpath, either cycling along with the crews or acting as a static umpire at key points on the course. In addition to this, you will get a free dinner, in May Week, and umpiring will reduce the number of marshals that your club needs to provide. To help out, you don't need to have umpired before although we do ask that you have rowed or coxed in at least 2 sets of Bumps in the past. There will be a meeting for all umpires where we will explain everything and those that have not umpired before will be paired with a 'senior' during the races. If you would like to help out, please sign up at indicating which divisions you are available for (the times of the divisions are listed at You can both compete and umpire (although obviously don't sign up to umpire a division you're competing in!) If you have any questions, please get in touch. Thanks in advance for your help! Dan -- Dan Wilkins CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lesley at Thu May 10 23:30:40 2012 From: lesley at (Lesley Corbett) Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 00:30:40 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Champs Eights Head - Sunday 13th May 2012 - AMENDED CLOSING DATE Message-ID: <008501cd2f04$e96e0a50$bc4a1ef0$@com> Hi Captains/Secretaries As Bedford Regatta has unfortunately been cancelled on Saturday we are getting many requests to take part in the Champs Eights Head instead. Under the circumstances we have decided to accept late entries up until 10am on Saturday 12th so that all get the chance to race this weekend.. The final draw will be posted at 6pm on Saturday on our website. All those crews that have already requested to take part have been added to the provisional draw today. Please enter late crews online: Please note that Div 1 is full. Thank you Lesley ====================== Events Secretary Champion of the Thames R.C. 38 Chesterton Hall Crescent Cambridge CB4 1AP 01223 328418 ======================= -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dan at Wed May 23 21:52:20 2012 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 22:52:20 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps 2012 Start Order Message-ID: <5b6201cd392e$54b6aff0$fe240fd0$> The start order for the May Bumps 2012 is now available at, including the list of crews entered into the Getting-On Race. The Getting-On Race will take place in the afternoon of Friday 8th June. Full details will be circulated in due course. Regards Dan -- Dan Wilkins CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at Mobile: 07817 657717 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kpanya0320 at Wed May 30 15:04:44 2012 From: kpanya0320 at (JeeHyun Kang) Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 16:04:44 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Coxing for Darwin College W1 on Friday (1st) at 6.15pm Message-ID: Hi all, Sorry to clog your mail-boxes. I'm JeeHyun, the vice-captain of women boat in Darwin College. On this Friday(1st), Darwin College W1 needs a cox from 6.15pm till 8.30pm. We can offer you some chocolates or snacks;-). Let me know if you could give us a hand, it will be really appreciated! Have a nice day! JeeHyun -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dan at Thu May 31 12:11:39 2012 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 13:11:39 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] May Bumps Getting-On Race Message-ID: <034401cd3f26$89c13460$9d439d20$> *Captains: Please make sure this information is passed on to competing crews in your club.* The crew's entered into the Getting-On Race for the May Bumps 2012 are shown below in their respective start orders. The Getting-On Race will take place on Friday 8th June at 15:30. The river will be closed to non-competing crews from 15:30 and will re-open in time for Women's Hour at 17:30. Men's crews should marshal in order (first crew furthest upstream, just below the start line at the Little Bridge), pulled into the bank at Baitsbite by 15:30. Women's crews should marshal in order (first crew furthest upstream, last crew closest to the bridge) at the Railway Bridge by 15:30. They will then be instructed, by the marshals, to row down to the start, in order. All crews will race at 16:00. Men's Crews (racing for 7 places in Division 6): 1. Anglia Ruskin II 2. Darwin III 3. Homerton III 4. Corpus Christi IV 5. Robinson IV 6. Sidney Sussex IV 7. Clare V 8. Emmanuel V 9. Queens' V 10. Robinson V 11. Clare VI 12. First and Third VI 13. Queens' VI 14. First and Third VII Women's Crews (racing for 8 places in Division 5): 1. Anglia Ruskin II 2. King's II 3. Robinson II 4. Clare III 5. Girton III 6. King's III 7. Lady Margaret III 8. Murray Edwards III 9. Queens' III 10. Selwyn III 11. Sidney Sussex III 12. Trinity Hall III 13. Jesus IV 14. Pembroke IV 15. Trinity Hall IV If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch. See you on the river! Dan -- Dan Wilkins CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dan at Thu May 31 12:19:52 2012 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 13:19:52 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Umpiring May Bumps Message-ID: <00f201cd3f27$af6fda30$0e4f8e90$> *Please pass this message on to anyone in your club who may be interested in umpiring* Many thanks to those of you who have signed up to umpire the May Bumps (13-16 June). We're still looking for a few more people to help out to ensure this year's races run smoothly, so please do consider signing up. Umpiring is a really fun way to get involved in the Bumps - you get to see and be involved in the action from up close on the towpath, either cycling along with the crews or acting as a static umpire at key points on the course. In addition to this, you will get a free dinner, in May Week, and umpiring will reduce the number of marshals that your club needs to provide. To help out, you don't need to have umpired before although we do ask that you have rowed or coxed in at least 2 sets of Bumps in the past. There will be a meeting for all umpires where we will explain everything and those that have not umpired before will be paired with a 'senior' during the races. If you would like to help out, please sign up at indicating which divisions you are available for (the times of the divisions are listed at You can both compete and umpire (although obviously don't sign up to umpire a division you're competing in!) If you have any questions, please get in touch. Thanks in advance for your help! Dan -- Dan Wilkins CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dan at Thu May 31 12:20:55 2012 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 13:20:55 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] CUCBC Committee Positions 2012-13 Message-ID: <010101cd3f27$d54b51d0$7fe1f570$> *Captains: Please pass this message on to anyone in your club who may be interested in CUCBC Committee Positions* Hi all - a quick reminder about nominations for next year's CUCBC Committee. With the May Bumps fast approaching and the academic year almost over, we are starting to think about appointing next year's CUCBC Executive Committee. There are four open positions, all of which are open to *any* member of the College boat clubs. Involvement with the CUCBC committee is fun and rewarding and a good way of giving something back to College rowing in Cambridge, so if you are enthusiastic about college rowing and would like to get involved on the organisational side, please do consider applying for a position. While there are a number of defined jobs, responsibilities (particularly organising and umpiring the major races) tend to be shared between committee members who will work together throughout the year. If you wish to run for any of these positions, please send a brief manifesto outlining your experience and what you will bring to the position to Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Honorary Secretary (dan at, by Sunday 3rd June. I also strongly recommend getting involved in umpiring this year's May Bumps (details of which to follow shortly). Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to know more. CUCBC Honorary Secretary This position will be elected at the pre-May Bumps Captains' Meeting (Sunday 10 June) by the College Captains. Candidates will give a brief speech to the Captains before they vote. Current: Dan Wilkins (dan at The Honorary Secretary is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the CUCBC committee; organisation of CUCBC events (Uni IVs, Lents, SBR, Mays) and day-to-day administration of College rowing. This includes issuing fines and dealing with straight forward appeals, compiling agendas and minutes for the Captains' meetings, arranging marshalling rotas and organising the start of year LBCs' course. You will also be the Captains' main representative on the Executive Committee. The Honorary Secretary will generally take responsibility for organising one of the CUCBC events, while the others will be distributed between committee members. While there are a number of responsibilities, they are spread out over the year and completed with the help of the other committee members. This is a rewarding job for an energetic and enthusiastic person! Junior Treasurer This position will be co-opted by the current Executive Committee. Current: Tom Grimble (juniortreasurer at The junior treasurer takes responsibility for the day-to-day running of CUCBC's finances, including drawing up and distributing bills to the College Boat Clubs and preparing the budget with the Senior Treasurer. Events Secretary This position (1 or 2 persons, as deemed appropriate) will be co-opted by the current Executive Committee. Current: Dave Lambert (events at The events secretary helps with the organisation and running of CUCBC races. While overall responsibility for the CUCBC events will be divided between committee members (so you will not have to do everything!), the events secretary helps out with arranging umpires and organising and distributing umpiring kit. You will also liase with the producers of the Bumps programmes and arrange the presentations and upkeep of the University medals and trophies. A fun job if you want to get involved with running races on the Cam! Coxes' Representative This position will be elected at the May Bumps Coxes' Meetings (Sunday 10 June) by the coxes. Current: Mat Bryan (coxing at The coxes' rep aids the development of coxes within the College boat clubs, including arranging the novice coxes' meeting in Michaelmas term as well as giving the pre-Bumps coxes' briefings and any other ideas you may have! In addition to these positions, the CUCBC Committee also comprises the Honorary Secretaries of the three University clubs (CUBC, CUWBC, CULRC). Each of these clubs have their own election procedures which will be or have already been circulated by the current Honorary Secretaries. We look forward to hearing from you! Dan -- Dan Wilkins CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: