From dan at Tue Mar 1 23:27:38 2011 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 23:27:38 -0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Lent Bumps 2011: Tuesday Resulrs and Notes/Fines Message-ID: <008a01cbd868$42103d30$c630b790$> Results from Tuesday's racing are now available at I attach the start order for Wednesday. *Notes from the Umpires* Thanks for a good first day's racing, despite the rerow in the M4 division, for which we thank you for your co-operation! Once you have bumped or been bumped, it is important you clear the river as quickly as possible as there will be crews still racing not far behind. Get straight to the nearest bank and listen to instructions from the umpires or your bank parties. *Fines* Fines may be appealed within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent by e-mailing Dr Holly Hedgeland, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at Addenbrooke's W1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 Clare Hall M1 - Abusive behaviour from bank party towards officials - ?25 Darwin M1 - Late concession - ?20 Emmanuel M2 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 Emmanuel M2 - Failure to clear - ?20 Hughes Hall W1 - Excessive bank party - ?50 Jesus M2 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 Jesus M2 - Foul & abusive language from bank party - ?20 Sidney Sussex M1 - Failure to obey race officials - ?30 St. Edmund's W1 - Serious failure to hold it up on bumping - ?50 Trinity Hall W2 - Dangerous coxing (bumping a stationary boat) - ?50 -- Dan Wilkins CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Lents2011_StartOrder_Wed.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 29536 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dan at Thu Mar 3 00:05:12 2011 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 00:05:12 -0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Lent Bumps 2011: Thursday Resulrs and Notes/Fines Message-ID: <011401cbd936$abc9edb0$035dc910$> Results from Tuesday's racing are now available at I attach the start order for Thursday. *Notes from the Umpires* Thanks for another good day's racing. Please make sure that you marshal on time for your division. Crews racing in the first division of the day must be pulled in ON STATION 10 minutes before the division starts. Today we were running 5 minutes late all day due to crews in the first division arriving late. Please be considerate to other users of the towpath - when cycling with crews, please watch out for members of the public who may be walking, running or cycling. Remember that bank parties are limited to 4 cyclists per crew. This includes the boatman, senior treasurer, college master and any other VIPs. Exceeding the allowed bank party size can interfere with umpiring and be potentially dangerous if there are too many cyclists on the towpath. *Fines* Fines may be appealed within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent by e-mailing Dr Holly Hedgeland, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at Addenbrooke's M1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 First and Third M1 - Bank party caused member of public to crash his bike owing to not looking where he was going/being unable to see through is hair - The price of a haircut Girton M1 - Excessive bank party - ?50 Jesus W1 - Not knowing where the finish is - Increased risk of getting bumped Murray Edwards W2 - Late concession and failure to clear - ?40 Queens' W1 - Failure to hold it up on bumping - ?40 Wolfson M1 - Excessive bank party - ?50 -- Dan Wilkins CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Lents2011_StartOrder_Thu.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 48975 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dan at Thu Mar 3 00:04:47 2011 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 00:04:47 -0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Lent Bumps 2011: Wednesday Resulrs and Notes/Fines Message-ID: <011001cbd936$9cb74930$d625db90$> Results from Tuesday's racing are now available at I attach the start order for Thursday. *Notes from the Umpires* Thanks for another good day's racing. Please make sure that you marshal on time for your division. Crews racing in the first division of the day must be pulled in ON STATION 10 minutes before the division starts. Today we were running 5 minutes late all day due to crews in the first division arriving late. Please be considerate to other users of the towpath - when cycling with crews, please watch out for members of the public who may be walking, running or cycling. Remember that bank parties are limited to 4 cyclists per crew. This includes the boatman, senior treasurer, college master and any other VIPs. Exceeding the allowed bank party size can interfere with umpiring and be potentially dangerous if there are too many cyclists on the towpath. *Fines* Fines may be appealed within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent by e-mailing Dr Holly Hedgeland, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at Addenbrooke's M1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 First and Third M1 - Bank party caused member of public to crash his bike owing to not looking where he was going/being unable to see through is hair - The price of a haircut Girton M1 - Excessive bank party - ?50 Jesus W1 - Not knowing where the finish is - Increased risk of getting bumped Murray Edwards W2 - Late concession and failure to clear - ?40 Queens' W1 - Failure to hold it up on bumping - ?40 Wolfson M1 - Excessive bank party - ?50 -- Dan Wilkins CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Lents2011_StartOrder_Thu.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 48975 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dan at Fri Mar 4 00:45:46 2011 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 00:45:46 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Lent Bumps 2011: Thursday Results and Notes/Fines Message-ID: Results from Thursday's racing are now available at I attach the start order for Friday. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Lents2011_StartOrder_Fri.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 48998 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- *Notes from the Umpires* Thanks for another good day's racing. Remember that the first division of the day (M4) starts 40 minutes earlier tomorrow (13:20). Crews should be on station 10 minutes before. Please remember that bank parties are limited to 4 per crew. This includes anyone who may join your bank party part way along the course. A special mention goes to Jesus W1 for extreme holding on to the bung with the cox almost pulled out the back of the boat! *Fines* Fines may be appealed within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent by e-mailing Dr Holly Hedgeland, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at - Emmanuel - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Caius W1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 - Churchill M1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 - Clare W1 - Late concession - ?20 - Corpus Christi W1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 - First and Third M2 - Excessive bank party - ?50 - Lady Margaret W1 - Excessive bank party - ?50 - Murray Edwards W1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 - Queens' M1 - Excessive bank party - ?50 - Robinson M1 - Failure to clear - ?30 - St. Catharine's W1 - Foul & abusive language language - ?25 -- Dan Wilkins (Jesus College) CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at From dan at Fri Mar 4 21:42:13 2011 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 21:42:13 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Lent Bumps 2011: Friday Results and Notes/Fines Message-ID: Results from Friday's racing are now available at I attach the start order for Saturday. Please note that the crews starting at stations 5, 6 and 7 in W1 are currently undetermined and will be settled by the rerow first thing tomorrow. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Lents2011_StartOrder_Sat.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 48678 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- *Notes from the Umpires* Thanks for another good day's racing. Looking forward to the final results tomorrow! Remember that the first division of the day (M4) starts at 12:40 tomorrow. Crews should be on station 15 minutes before. Christ's, Jesus and Queens' W1 will be rerowing from stations 1, 2 and 3 respectively tomorrow. The rerow will happen at 12:35. Rerow crews should be marshalled on stations 1, 2 and 3 at least 10 minutes before their start. M4 crews should marshall as normal by 12:25, however crews 1, 2 and 3 should wait downstream of station 3, pulled in out of the way of other stations. Remember when racing to watch out for other crews on the river and potential obstructions ahead in case you need to steer round or stop. Don't get tunnel vision! Likewise watch out for returning crews when rowing to the start - there were 2 near misses today! Please remember that bank parties are limited to 4 per crew. Excess members should wait and cycle behind the division so as not to impede the umpires. The towpath is likely to be busy tomorrow - please watch where you are going and be courteous to members of the public. Finally, take all your litter with you so as not to leave the bank in a mess at the end of the week! *Fines* Fines may be appealed within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent by e-mailing Dr Holly Hedgeland, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at - Anglia Ruskin - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Caius - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Clare - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Peterhouse - Failure to provide marshal - ?15 - Addenbrooke's W1 - Late concession - ?25 - Christ's W2 - Slow clearing - ?20 - Churchill M2 - Insufficient clothing - to join the Chippendales - Downing M1 - Excessive bank party - ?50 - Downing M2 - Excessive bank party - ?50 - Emmanuel M2 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 - Jesus M2 - Extremely dangerous coxing (bumping a stationary crew) - ?75 - Jesus W2 - Excessive bank party - ?50 - Magdalene W1 - Failure to hold it up on bumping - ?25 - Newnham W2 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - ?15 - Queens' M2 - Failure to clear - ?35 - Wolfson W1 - Slow to hold it up on bumping - Warning -- Dan Wilkins (Jesus College) CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at From richard.hamersley at Sat Mar 12 12:15:09 2011 From: richard.hamersley at (Richard Hamersley) Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 12:15:09 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] EARLY MORNING COX BOXES; please note..... Message-ID: TO: Captains and TO: Coxes FROM: Chairman CUCBC DATE: Saturday 12th March 2011 Good afternoon All Not long to go until the end of term. I hope you are enjoying still calm conditions on the water today, as it is down here in Henley, but please remember that noise carries. Just a gentle reminder about cox boxes in the early morning outings, in the light of the Environmental Officer's well intended email of 11th March which I set out in full at the foot of my email. CUCBC Rules 32 and 33 state: - *32.* That all crews must not create unnecessary noise anywhere on the river before 7.30am. - *33.* In particular, loud hailers may not be used anywhere on the river and the use of cox-boxes, and coaching from the bank must be kept to a minimum everywhere on the river before 7.30am. There will be no coaching from the bank above the railway bridge before 7.30am. Contrary to what the Environmental Officer states below, we do use cox boxes in the early mornings "for operational commands" (for safety reasons) and I will be reminding him of this. PLEASE KEEP THE VOLUME CONTROL ON YOUR COX BOXES TURNED DOWN BUT SUFFICIENT TO ENABLE YOU TO COX SAFELY. Coxes: Please ask your coaches to monitor your volume as they are up on the bank and can better hear the sound effect from up there. If CHRISTS could apologise to CYGNET, then I am sure we would all appreciate it. Apologies and a smile are all that it takes on occasion. Thank you for listening. Richard Hamersley Chairman CUCBC SEE EMAIL BELOW (which was forwarded on to me by Dick Pryce-Jones at CUBC): From: Daniel Bayles [mailto:] Sent: 11 March 2011 14:16 To: dick at Cc: river.manager at Subject: Noise Before 7:30 am Good Afternoon Dick I have been passed an email, sent to Dr Philippa Noon, from a river boat resident about noise from the use of cox boxes upstream of the railway bridge before 7:30 am. The email was copied to all the City Councillors. It is my understanding that cox boxes should not be used until after 7:30 am. This is obviously now a problem as the mornings are lighter and the crews are out earlier. I ask that the crews and particularly the coxes and coaches be given a gentle reminder of the needs of the residents along the river. I would be grateful if you could do this. The email also reports a collisions yesterday (Thursday 10 March) between Christ College's boat CC0 804 and the moored 'Widebeam' boat Cygnet whist the Chris's boat was spinning. The email does not give full details, but no damage is reported, only the annoyance of the resident is that the neither the crew, cox or coach acknowledged the occupier or incident and no apology was offered. I suggest Christ's President may wish to either speak or drop the resident of Cygnet a note in order to placate them. Good Luck to the crews on the 26th. Regards Daniel S J Bayles Environmental Health Officer Cambridge City Council Tel (01223) 457895 Fax (01223) 457909 Minicom (01223) 457050 Out of Hours Noise Service 457457 Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this e-mail? __________________________________________________________________________ The information in this email may be confidential and legally privileged. You are advised to scan attachments for viruses before opening them. Please read our disclaimer at -- I am using the free version of SPAMfighter. We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam. SPAMfighter has removed 37439 of my spam emails to date. Get the free SPAMfighter here: The Professional version does not have this message Reply Reply to all Forward Reply | Richard Hamersley Good morning Pip This has come full circle. 1. Who is complaining about "nois... 11:21 (23 minutes ago) Richard HamersleyLoading... 11:21 (21 minutes ago) Richard Hamersley to *PHILIPPA* show details 11:21 (23 minutes ago) Good morning Pip This has come full circle. 1. Who is complaining about "noise" and on what date? I do not have his / her email. Perhaps you could forward it so that I can see what has been said 2. Where is Cygnet moored? Somewhere down my end of the river by Victoria Bridge by Christs' boathouse, perhaps? Kind regards Richard - Show quoted text - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Richard Pryce-Jones Date: 11 March 2011 15:32 Subject: FW: Noise Before 7:30 am To: Richard Hamersley , CUCBC Senior Treasurer < seniortreasurer at> Cc: Daniel.Bayles at -----Original Message----- From: Daniel Bayles [mailto:] Sent: 11 March 2011 14:16 To: dick at Cc: river.manager at Subject: Noise Before 7:30 am Good Afternoon Dick I have been passed an email, sent to Dr Philippa Noon, from a river boat resident about noise from the use of cox boxes upstream of the railway bridge before 7:30 am. The email was copied to all the City Councillors. It is my understanding that cox boxes should not be used until after 7:30 am. This is obviously now a problem as the mornings are lighter and the crews are out earlier. I ask that the crews and particularly the coxes and coaches be given a gentle reminder of the needs of the residents along the river. I would be grateful if you could do this. The email also reports a collisions yesterday (Thursday 10 March) between Christ College's boat CC0 804 and the moored 'Widebeam' boat Cygnet whist the Chris's boat was spinning. The email does not give full details, but no damage is reported, only the annoyance of the resident is that the neither the crew, cox or coach acknowledged the occupier or incident and no apology was offered. I suggest Christ's President may wish to either speak or drop the resident of Cygnet a note in order to placate them. Good Luck to the crews on the 26th. Regards Daniel S J Bayles Environmental Health Officer Cambridge City Council Tel (01223) 457895 Fax (01223) 457909 Minicom (01223) 457050 Out of Hours Noise Service 457457 Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this e-mail? __________________________________________________________________________ The information in this email may be confidential and legally privileged. You are advised to scan attachments for viruses before opening them. Please read our disclaimer at -- I am using the free version of SPAMfighter. We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam. SPAMfighter has removed 37439 of my spam emails to date. Get the free SPAMfighter here: The Professional version does not have this message -- Richard Hamersley 19 Lovell Close Wootton Manor Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire RG9 1PX Tel/fax/ansafone: 01491 414 294 Mobile: 07870 5545 17 Email: richard.hamersley at Reply Forward Reply | Richard Hamersley to Richard show details 11:23 (20 minutes ago) Thanks Dick. Richard - Show quoted text - On 11 March 2011 15:32, Richard Pryce-Jones wrote: > > -----Original Message----- > From: Daniel Bayles [mailto:] > Sent: 11 March 2011 14:16 > To: dick at > Cc: river.manager at > Subject: Noise Before 7:30 am > > Good Afternoon Dick > > I have been passed an email, sent to Dr Philippa Noon, from a river boat > resident about noise from the use of cox boxes upstream of the railway > bridge before 7:30 am. The email was copied to all the City Councillors. > > It is my understanding that cox boxes should not be used until after 7:30 > am. This is obviously now a problem as the mornings are lighter and the > crews are out earlier. I ask that the crews and particularly the coxes and > coaches be given a gentle reminder of the needs of the residents along the > river. I would be grateful if you could do this. > > The email also reports a collisions yesterday (Thursday 10 March) between > Christ College's boat CC0 804 and the moored 'Widebeam' boat Cygnet whist > the Chris's boat was spinning. The email does not give full details, but no > damage is reported, only the annoyance of the resident is that the neither > the crew, cox or coach acknowledged the occupier or incident and no apology > was offered. I suggest Christ's President may wish to either speak or drop > the resident of Cygnet a note in order to placate them. > > Good Luck to the crews on the 26th. > > Regards > > > > > Daniel S J Bayles > Environmental Health Officer > Cambridge City Council > > Tel (01223) 457895 > Fax (01223) 457909 > Minicom (01223) 457050 > > Out of Hours Noise Service 457457 > > > > > Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this > e-mail? > __________________________________________________________________________ > > > The information in this email may be confidential and legally privileged. > > You are advised to scan attachments for viruses before opening them. > > Please read our disclaimer at > > > > -- > I am using the free version of SPAMfighter. > We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam. > SPAMfighter has removed 37439 of my spam emails to date. > Get the free SPAMfighter here: > > The Professional version does not have this message > > > - Show quoted text - -- Richard Hamersley 19 Lovell Close Wootton Manor Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire RG9 1PX Tel/fax/ansafone: 01491 414 294 Mobile: 07870 5545 17 Email: richard.hamersley at Reply Forward *New window* *Print all* *Expand all* *Collapse all* *Forward all* Ads Free Prepaid SIM Cards Enjoy free monthly rewards just for topping up with a free Orange SIM Debts over ?10,000? 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Details Gmail view: standard | turn off chat | turn off buzz | older contact manager| basic HTML Learn more ?2011 Google - Terms- Privacy Policy - Buzz Privacy Policy - Google Home -- Richard Hamersley 19 Lovell Close Wootton Manor Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire RG9 1PX Tel/fax/ansafone: 01491 414 294 Mobile: 07870 5545 17 Email: richard.hamersley at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Fri Mar 18 16:53:53 2011 From: flag at (flag at Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 12:53:53 -0400 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Not Operational Flag Message-ID: The flag is Not Operational. CUCBC does not set the flag status during vacations. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sat Mar 26 01:48:08 2011 From: flag at (flag at Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 21:48:08 -0400 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] GDBO Flag Message-ID: The flag is GDBO. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Tue Mar 29 22:22:26 2011 From: flag at (flag at Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 18:22:26 -0400 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Not Operational Flag Message-ID: The flag is Not Operational. CUCBC does not set the flag status during vacations. The CUCBC Committee From dan at Wed Mar 30 21:52:11 2011 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 22:52:11 +0100 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] FW: Men's Head of the River After Party In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <001f01cbef24$ba2e2ac0$2e8a8040$> From: Carlota Berruezo [mailto:carlotabc at] Sent: 30 March 2011 22:21 Subject: Men's Head of the River After Party Hi, Thames Rowing Club is hosting the Men?s Head of the River After Party this Saturday night. The party will kick off from 7pm on Saturday after the race with entry fee @ ?5. The theme is ?My big fat gypsy wedding? and there will be a DJ all evening. Bodeans are sponsoring the event and providing food after they race at reasonable prices. Includes burgers, chips, ribs and nachos. Thames Rowing Club is located on the Embankment in Putney (Close to the finish line!) &source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=thames+rowing+club&ie=UTF8&ll=51.473471,-0.2271 08&spn=0.023202,0.116901&z=14&iwloc=A Please join us for after race celebration and see the attached flyer for further details. If you are happy to pass this email on to your rowers/supporters that would be hugely appreciated!! :) Hopefully see you then, Thames Rowing Club Social Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: TRC After Party Poster.JPG Type: image/jpeg Size: 1370548 bytes Desc: not available URL: