From jcbc.sec at  Thu Dec  1 07:19:33 2011
From: jcbc.sec at (Oscar Branson)
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 07:19:33 +0000
Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] ***IMPORTANT*** Fairbairns Race Info
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

One last quick note:

All crews in the LAST division of each day make sure they have lights.


On 30 Nov 2011, at 01:16, JCBC Secretary <jcbc.sec at> wrote:

> Further to my last email:
> All boats within the marshalling area are permitted to push off directly into their start position (rather than rowing down to Jesus lock and spinning), provided it does not cause a disruption to the start marshalling pattern.  Please use common sense, and if in doubt, ask a start marshal.
> Best,
> Oscar.
> --------------------------------------
> Oscar Branson
> JCBC Secretary
> jcbc-secretary at
> +44 7825 225619
> On 29 Nov 2011, at 22:19, JCBC Secretary wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Please take a moment to read this brief email to ensure the smooth-running of this year's Fairbairns Races.
>> ***GENERAL***
>> 1 - LISTEN TO AND OBEY ALL MARSHALS.  If you are in doubt about anything, ask a marshal.
>> 2 - Please double-check your crews start position to make sure you know which division you are racing in.  If you don't turn up, you can't race... obviously.  (
>> 3 - Crews will race in order of race number.  If you are waiting to start, and the boat ahead of you has a higher number than you, you are in the wrong place.
>> 4 - A list of extended time gaps can be found here (  Please check it.
>> 5 - One representative from each club should come and collect the race numbers for their whole club.  Numbers will be available from 7am on Thursday, and can be collected at any point during racing.
>> 6 - There will be a supply of space blankets available when you pick up your race numbers.  We recommend that the bank party for ALL crews carry space blankets for the entire crew in case of hold-ups.
>> 7 - The maximum bank party size is 4 people per crew.
>> ***NOVICES***
>> 1 - Please ensure you arrive to the start on time (30 mins before the published start time).  Late arrivals will be penalised, or disqualified (depending on lateness).
>> 2 - Bring plenty of warm clothes.  There will be an inevitable wait at the finish before you can row back - it can get extremely cold after the race.
>> 3 - ALL novice boats must be accompanied by a bank party.  Boats without a bank party will not be allowed to start.
>> 1 - In the even of a Red or Yellow flag on either of the race days, a decision will be made as to whether the races will continue or not.  Whatever the decision made by the organisers, it is the responsibility of your club captains/coaches/LBCs to assess whether your crews can cope with the conditions.  Be realistic.  If they cannot cope with the conditions, do not let them race.  Crews racing in conditions that are beyond them will cause chaos on the river, and greatly increase the chance of injuries, so this decision should not be made lightly.
>> 2 - Please make sure all your coxes are well briefed on the race course (especially novices!)
>> ***COXES***
>> 1 - Make sure you are familiar with the coxes notes (
>> 2 - If you need to overtake a slower crew, you may only do so AFTER Chesterton footbridge.
>> 3 - If you are being overtaken, CONCEDE THE RACING LINE.  Crews failing to concede the line will be penalised.
>> Fingers crossed for a smooth race!
>> Best,
>> Oscar.
>> --------------------------------------
>> Oscar Branson
>> JCBC Secretary
>> jcbc-secretary at
>> +44 7825 225619
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From jcbc.sec at  Thu Dec  1 17:33:52 2011
From: jcbc.sec at (JCBC Secretary)
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 17:33:52 +0000
Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] ***IMPORTANT*** Fairbairns Race Info
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear All,

Firstly, I'd like to thank all participants for helping today run as smoothly as it did. There were a few mishaps, but that's all part of the fun of novice racing! Noone was injured, so I'm happy.

Novice Results are now available.

As per this years change to rules 7.c and 13.e, crews that did not request an increased time gap in advance of the races and were held up have not received time bonuses. The only crew to receive a time bonus was LMBC NM4, who were granted a time bonus, but were still held up.

Minor obstructions (no time bonus awarded): 
141 - LMBC NM3 - Held up by Magdalene NM2.
148 - ARU NM3 - Delayed in restarting after a crash at Chesterton by a crashed Jesus NM3.
212 - LMBC NM2 - Held up by a Girton NM2 crab.

Major obstructions (no time bonus awarded): 
156 - St Mary's School - Held up by Pembroke NW1 from the combined boat houses to men's top finish.
163 - Downing NW1 - Held up by Magdalene NW1 from the combined boat houses to men's top finish.

Time Penalties: 
147 - ARU NM1 - Aggressive language from bank party instructing Jesus NM3 to move over for an overtake before men's top finish. Jesus took a wide line to allow the overtake after Chesterton, ARU did not steer tight enough, pushing Jesus wider and causing them to crash. Time penalty: 10 seconds.



Oscar Branson
JCBC Secretary

jcbc-secretary at
+44 7825 225619

On 29 Nov 2011, at 22:19, JCBC Secretary wrote:

> Dear All,
> Please take a moment to read this brief email to ensure the smooth-running of this year's Fairbairns Races.
> ***GENERAL***
> 1 - LISTEN TO AND OBEY ALL MARSHALS.  If you are in doubt about anything, ask a marshal.
> 2 - Please double-check your crews start position to make sure you know which division you are racing in.  If you don't turn up, you can't race... obviously.  (
> 3 - Crews will race in order of race number.  If you are waiting to start, and the boat ahead of you has a higher number than you, you are in the wrong place.
> 4 - A list of extended time gaps can be found here (  Please check it.
> 5 - One representative from each club should come and collect the race numbers for their whole club.  Numbers will be available from 7am on Thursday, and can be collected at any point during racing.
> 6 - There will be a supply of space blankets available when you pick up your race numbers.  We recommend that the bank party for ALL crews carry space blankets for the entire crew in case of hold-ups.
> 7 - The maximum bank party size is 4 people per crew.
> ***NOVICES***
> 1 - Please ensure you arrive to the start on time (30 mins before the published start time).  Late arrivals will be penalised, or disqualified (depending on lateness).
> 2 - Bring plenty of warm clothes.  There will be an inevitable wait at the finish before you can row back - it can get extremely cold after the race.
> 3 - ALL novice boats must be accompanied by a bank party.  Boats without a bank party will not be allowed to start.
> 1 - In the even of a Red or Yellow flag on either of the race days, a decision will be made as to whether the races will continue or not.  Whatever the decision made by the organisers, it is the responsibility of your club captains/coaches/LBCs to assess whether your crews can cope with the conditions.  Be realistic.  If they cannot cope with the conditions, do not let them race.  Crews racing in conditions that are beyond them will cause chaos on the river, and greatly increase the chance of injuries, so this decision should not be made lightly.
> 2 - Please make sure all your coxes are well briefed on the race course (especially novices!)
> ***COXES***
> 1 - Make sure you are familiar with the coxes notes (
> 2 - If you need to overtake a slower crew, you may only do so AFTER Chesterton footbridge.
> 3 - If you are being overtaken, CONCEDE THE RACING LINE.  Crews failing to concede the line will be penalised.
> Fingers crossed for a smooth race!
> Best,
> Oscar.
> --------------------------------------
> Oscar Branson
> JCBC Secretary
> jcbc-secretary at
> +44 7825 225619

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From oscarbranson87 at  Fri Dec  2 20:51:57 2011
From: oscarbranson87 at (JCBC Secretary)
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 20:51:57 +0000
Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Fairbairns Race Results
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear All,

Thankyou all for participating in the 2011 Fairbairns Races.  I hope you all enjoyed it!

The provisional finish times are now published on the website.  A few minor changes may take place lower down the start order, but the winners are final and are in no doubt.  Congratulations to the winning crews.

Halfway times will be published over the weekend, after I've had a minute to draw breath (probably on Sunday afternoon).  A list of obstructed crews will also be published over the weekend.



Oscar Branson
JCBC Secretary

jcbc-secretary at
+44 7825 225619

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From flag at  Sat Dec  3 13:29:11 2011
From: flag at (flag at
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2011 13:29:11 +0000
Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Not Operational Flag
Message-ID: <>

The flag is Not Operational.

CUCBC does not set the flag status during vacations.

The CUCBC Committee