From culrc at Wed Nov 3 10:16:12 2010 From: culrc at (Chris Kerr) Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 10:16:12 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Uni Fours today - obstacle in course Message-ID: <> Dear all, I have just been informed that someone has dumped a skip into the river off the A14 road bridge. Unless the Conservators are able to clear the obstacle by this afternoon, we will have to start today's races somewhere on First Post reach rather than at the normal start poles. We may also decide to finish further upstream than normal to compensate for this - if we do so we will place a marshal upstream of the relocated finish to warn approaching crews. In any case please be aware (and tell anyone who needs to know but is not on the coxes or contacts lists) that the races today may not be running in their usual place. -- Chris Kerr St Catharine's College CULRC Hon: Sec: 2008-11 From flag at Thu Nov 4 21:44:55 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 17:44:55 -0400 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. Outlook: Although the conditions are currently sufficiently gusty to warrant a yellow flag, the Met Office forecast predicts this will die away before boating time tomorrow morning, so the flag remains green at this time. The situation will be reviewed tomorrow morning at 6.15am. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Fri Nov 5 06:09:40 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 02:09:40 -0400 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Mon Nov 8 08:39:51 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 03:39:51 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: As the conditions continue to deteriorate and the forecast indicates wind speeds will gust to over 40mph for the rest of the day, the flag is now yellow. The longer term forecast currently indicates that high winds will remain through until tomorrow, so the flag status will be reviewed throughout the day, the outlook will be updated by 10pm this evening and flag confirmed around 6am tomorrow, although early indications suggest it may remain yellow. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Mon Nov 8 22:10:54 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 17:10:54 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: The flag remains yellow overnight due to the strong winds forecast to develop during the early morning slot tomorrow. If the weather is following the forecasted pattern then the flag will stay yellow when reviewed in the morning thirty minutes before lighting down. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Tue Nov 9 06:04:59 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 01:04:59 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. The CUCBC Committee From chair at Tue Nov 9 23:28:31 2010 From: chair at (Richard Hamersley) Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 23:28:31 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] SILENCE IS REQUIRED Message-ID: TO: CAPTAINS and TO: COXES FROM: CHAIRMAN CUCBC TUESDAY 9th NOVEMBER 2010 You are all aware from the recent Captains' Meeting; Lower Boat Captains' and Coxes Presentations, as well as from the CUCBC Rules, that we run SILENT ROUTINE in the early morning hour until 0730 (on weekdays). University crews and First Boats are out earlier than the rest and so are audibly conspicuous at such an early hour. ABSOLUTELY NO MEGAPHONES OR BANKSIDE COACHING before 0730 and no coaching above the Railway Bridge. Objectors have been in touch with the Council and now they have got back to us. This is a very sensitive issue. Our early morning rowing is at risk. Coach to cox to crew radio is still effective even when turned down very low. We need everybody's cooperation on this. Finally, keep away from moored vessels. Coxes must take early action to prevent their boat drifting onto these vessels, especially when waiting to spin. You must learn to use your crew to manoeuvre your boat; rudders are useless when you have no way on. I shall be out on the towpath again shortly. Thank you. Richard -- Richard Hamersley Chairman CUCBC 19 Lovell Close Wootton Manor Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire RG9 1PX Tel/fax/ansafone: 01491 414 294 Mobile: 07870 5545 17 Email: chair at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flag at Wed Nov 10 22:13:15 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 17:13:15 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Due to predicted high wind speeds (approximate mean 20mph, gusting 35-45) between 0600 and 0900, the flag is being preemptively set to yellow for tomorrow morning. The conditions will be assessed at 0600 from the towpath and will be changed if appropriate. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Thu Nov 11 06:12:47 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 01:12:47 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: With a view to rapidly worsening conditions the flag is to remain yellow. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Thu Nov 11 22:07:25 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 17:07:25 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Flag remains yellow since wind speeds are anticipated to drop back to 35 knots by boating time tomorrow. A yellow flag is hence likely to be confirmed in the morning, although if wind speeds remain as current flag will be set red/yellow instead. If flag is confirmed yellow in the morning, then crews eligible to boat should please remember that the decision to do so rests with the cox and coach, and conditions may still not be suitable for some individual crews. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Fri Nov 12 06:09:51 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 01:09:51 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Flag remains yellow at this time, but crews should be aware that conditions are forecast to deteriorate from current between now and 9am, with wind speeds likely to increase considerably from the current 30 mph gusts. Please exercise due caution in deciding whether outings for individual crews should proceed. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Fri Nov 12 21:16:29 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 16:16:29 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. The CUCBC Committee From jcbc-fairbairns at Thu Nov 18 15:39:19 2010 From: jcbc-fairbairns at (Stuart Scott) Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 15:39:19 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Fairbairns Novice Coxing Talk Message-ID: <1290094759.2286.121.camel@oo> All novice coxes competing in Fairbairns are required to attend the novice coxing talk being given at the Clare Novice Regatta Coaches' & Coxes' Meeting: This Sunday, 21st November at 21:30 in the Hall in Clare College Old Court. Regards Stuart Scott JCBC Fairbairns Secretary 2010 From chair at Thu Nov 25 13:31:39 2010 From: chair at (Richard Hamersley) Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 13:31:39 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] PLEASE TAKE NOTE - Thank you Message-ID: TO: Captains Coxes Boatmen and Coaches / Bank Parties FROM: Chairman CUCBC THURSDAY 25th NOVEMBER 2010 at 1.30pm Dear ALL Clare Novices start today and the Fairbairns are just a week away. I am aware that the pressure is on - it has ever been so for many years. We have had a nasty collision this morning. I am aware that there may well be Novice crews out without coaches and bank parties. This is strictly contrary to our Rules. We have to put a stop to this practice now, before there is serious personal injury, which would certainly jeopardise rowing on the Cam at the present density of boats. CUCBC are charged "to ensure safety on the Cam" for our all Clubs and athletes. I ask you please to report to us ANY UNACCOMPANIED NOVICE CREWS as a matter of urgency. Send your Report (with boat registration number) promptly to Dan Wilkins, our Hon. Sec. please. dan at (or me in a crisis on 07870 5545 17). The safety of ALL athletes on the river is at stake here, including Town Clubs. With Novice crews trying to push for last minute speed, an unaccompanied crew getting it wrong can be a "missile", as we have just seen. LIGHTS Can I ask that all Clubs check that the bow and stern white lights on their boats are in working order; batteries charged and spares available. And if any boats which do not have these already fitted, would you please take the necessary steps. The LAST DIVISION each day in the Fairbairns particularly, (though CLARE NOVICES should be aware also), will probably start in gloom and will undoubtedly finish in "restricted visibilty" if not darkness (in front of the Cam Conservators at Baitsbite), so the requirement is to light up in "restricted visibility" (easier to do this before the Start). Better to be seen than not at all. Do not to wait to until Lighting-up time. (International Collision Regulations and Cam Conservators Bye-Laws). AND FINALLY A POLITE APOLOGY with a smile will go a long way if your crew makes contact with a moored boat. Don't hesitate. River boats are being informed about the Fairbairns, as it is a big two day event. I have also been in touch with the Cam Conservators and their website, under "River Users" - "Diary of Events" has listed the Fairbairns details also; closure times and course:, so river users should be aware. COACHES / BANK PARTIES We have no CUCBC "Coaches" website as such, so would you all please do your best to see that your Coaches/ Bank parties get a copy of this email. They are in the "hotseat" on the riverbank and can assist greatly in the safe passage of their crews and good conduct on the river. Thank you for listening. GOOD LUCK! Richard Hamersley Chairman CUCBC -- Richard Hamersley Chairman CUCBC 19 Lovell Close Wootton Manor Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire RG9 1PX Tel/fax/ansafone: 01491 414 294 Mobile: 07870 5545 17 Email: chair at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From coxing at Fri Nov 26 13:51:31 2010 From: coxing at (Mat Bryan) Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 13:51:31 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] New Coxing Rep Message-ID: Hi All, Firstly an introduction; I'm Mat Bryan and I was recently co-opted to the role of CUCBC Coxing Representative. By way of background, I'm currently trialling with CUWBC, coxed Blondie last year, and noviced at Peterhouse a few years ago. Secondly, let me say that while it's obviously a bit late in the term to organise any coxing related events/meetings, I'm always open to questions or queries at this address, so please don't hesitate to ask me about anything from rudder cables to race calls. I'm hoping that next term we might be able to have some experienced coxes able to give talks as has happened in the past (especially concerning the Heads at the end of the Lent), but more on that later. Lastly, I'd like to reinforce what Richard Hamersley said in his recent e-mail to this list: it is the duty of every cox to be aware of the rules regarding use of the Cam under CUCBC, and to follow them even in contradiction of a coach or otherwise. With the last week of term now under way the river will be busier than ever; please exercise logic and common sense. Thanks, Mat. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mjp54 at Sat Nov 27 22:55:02 2010 From: mjp54 at (Mathew Peet) Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 22:55:02 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Cox needed for tomorrow 11.30 am. In-Reply-To: <001701c9eba9$5176a460$f463ed20$@org> References: <001701c9eba9$5176a460$f463ed20$@org> Message-ID: <> Dear All, Despite our best planning, Wolfson Alumni crew has only managed to get 8 crew members together for our only practise outing before Fairbairns. We are still missing the most important crew member. If you are willing and able to Cox us tomorrow for an outing starting at 11.30 it would be deeply appreciated. Many thanks, Mathew From flag at Sun Nov 28 11:52:29 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 06:52:29 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Flag is yellow due to ice on the Reach. Coxes should exercise caution while navigating this part to prevent potential damage to boats. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sun Nov 28 11:57:39 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 06:57:39 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Red/Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Red/Yellow. The river is closed, except to tub pairs between Jesus Lock and Chesterton and University crews with the express permission of their Head Coach. Outlook: Due to ice onthe river over a substantial part of the reach and plough reach being totally frozen over, under British Rowing regulations, no crew is permitted to navigate these stretches. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sun Nov 28 14:50:37 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 09:50:37 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Sun Nov 28 21:59:28 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 16:59:28 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. Outlook: Temperature is currently 3 degress above the equivalent point last night and forecast to stabilise at this level. River is currently free-flowing at Ditton and so flag is reverting to green. The CUCBC Committee From flag at Mon Nov 29 20:24:01 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 15:24:01 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Yellow Flag Message-ID: The flag is Yellow. Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs, men's crews in the top 2 divisions of the May Bumps and women's crews in the top division of the May Bumps as well as first fours and tub pairs. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman. Outlook: Pre-emprive yellow flag based on high probability of ice on the river in the morning. There is a high probability that there will be ice beyond Ditton Corner (and also a chance, but less likely) of ice on the Long Reach. CREWS SHOUD NOT PROCEED BEYOND THE LONG REACH UNLESS THEIR COACHES HAVE CHECKED THAT THE RIVER IS TOTALLY CLEAR OF ICE AROUND DITTON CORNER. All coxes must proceed with caution (i.e. it may not be a good idea to practice a race-piece through ice) and if you encounter significant ice, turn back rather than proceeding through it. The CUCBC Committee From dan at Mon Nov 29 20:24:22 2010 From: dan at (Dan Wilkins) Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 20:24:22 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Ice Message-ID: Hi all As you will no doubt be aware, the river has been freezing over the past couple of days with the low temperatures. I'm sure you've all seen the film Titanic so will be aware what can potentially happen when ice meets the hull of a boat... Judging by the current state of the river, the current air temperature (-1.6 C as recorded by the weather station at the Computer Lab) and the weather forecast, it is very likely that there will be ice on the river tomorrow morning. Judging by the most recent reports, the river is likely to be frozen beyond Ditton Corner and potentially (but less likely) on the Long Reach too. While this may not be a problem in an afternoon when there are only one or two boats out, it is more severe with the typical early morning traffic. As such, a pre-emptive YELLOW flag will be set overnight and will be reviewed by the CUCBC Committee in the morning. CREWS SHOUD NOT PROCEED BEYOND THE LONG REACH UNLESS THEIR COACHES HAVE CHECKED THAT THE RIVER IS TOTALLY CLEAR OF ICE AROUND DITTON CORNER. All coxes must proceed with caution (i.e. it may not be a good idea to practice a race-piece through ice) and if you encounter significant ice, turn back rather than proceeding through it. It is not worth risking an accident in the current cold weather. Lastly, consider if an outing would really be productive tomorrow morning - I'm sure a lie in would do everyone some good! Dan -- Dan Wilkins (Jesus College) CUCBC Honorary Secretary E-mail: dan at From flag at Tue Nov 30 06:22:17 2010 From: flag at (flag at Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 01:22:17 -0500 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Green Flag Message-ID: The flag is Green. There are no restrictions on which crews may boat. Outlook: No significant problem with ice, however coxes should proceed with caution and turn back if they encounter significant ice rather than attempting to row through it. The CUCBC Committee From jcbc-fairbairns at Mon Nov 29 16:59:28 2010 From: jcbc-fairbairns at (Stuart Scott) Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 16:59:28 +0000 Subject: [CUCBC Coxes] Fairbairns Weather Message-ID: <1291049968.2177.57.camel@oo> Some clarification on the plans for dealing with adverse weather: We will: * Check the river is safe to row * Shorten the course or cancel the race if it is not * Offer a 50% refund in the event of cancellation * Provide a very limited number of space blankets in emergencies The captain, coach and cox of each crew must: * Ensure that all crews have sufficient warm (& dry) kit for the end of the race in the boat. Importantly, it may not be possible to access the tow path at the finish this year. * Ensure that all crews and coxes are competent enough to cope with the adverse conditions - if in doubt do not boat. * Ensure that all coxes are able to spin quickly (2-10s time penalty for incompetent spinning or failure to use all 8 rowers if safe) * Ensure that all crews have a bow ball, properly adjusted heel restraints and that all coxes have a life jacket. * No bank party uses a loud hailer or contains more than 4 people (the penalty will be instant disqualification) Please also circulate this throughout your club and make sure that in the event people start showing symptoms of hypothermia you inform a marshal. Rowers should also put on their warm kit and remove any wet layers immediately after racing, regardless of how warm they may feel. Regards Stuart Scott JCBC Fairbairns Secretary 2010