[CUCBC Coxes] Spinning and noise

Thomas Walton cuwbc at cucbc.org
Wed Feb 18 14:37:56 UTC 2009

Dear all,

Please remember that rule 26 is currently in force: "That during the ten
days preceding the Lent and May Bumps [...], no boat may spin between
the Little Bridge and Peters Posts except at its own risk.".  This means
that you should NOT expect to be able to spin at the end of the Reach,
particularly in the mornings.  Spinning there causes lots of congestion
in the early-morning period and you should avoid it.

Also, please remember the rules about noise.  As Mark said yesterday,
cox-boxes must be kept to a minimum volume before 7.30am, and coxes
should cox minimally before 7.30 in areas where members of the public
are likely to be disturbed (e.g. Riverside, Stourbridge Common, Grassy
Corner).  This includes being moderately quiet even when your crew are
doing a piece if it is before 7.30.  It is possible to get to the lock
and back to the P&E before 7.30 at present!

There are only a few mornings left before Lents - please keep it


CUCBC Secretary

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