[CUCBC Coxes] CUCBC Secretary 2008-9 and reminders

Thomas Walton cuwbc at cucbc.org
Thu Oct 9 13:37:36 UTC 2008

Dear all,

I am the CUCBC Secretary for the upcoming year.  Please send any
general queries/requests/complaints/infringement reports/moans to me
at cucbc at cucbc.org or via the contact form on the website in the first
instance and I will attempt to deal with them.  Please note that any
queries about college-run events this term (e.g. eligibility
requirements) should be directed to the clubs concerned.

A few reminders about early mornings (although I'm generally happy
with the three days we've had so far):
- lights must be used within 15 minutes of lighting down: WHITE on
both ends and STATIC (not flashing - some crews out today had this
- absolutely NO coaching from the bank above the Railway Bridge before
7.30am; this will be fined if seen.
- although the noise rules stop at 7.30am, please have consideration
for local residents after that time.  You're allowed to cox/coach
normally but that doesn't mean you should shout your head off/turn
your coxbox up to maximum/anything equally noisy.  Please only make
the minimum noise required to have a productive outing.  Coxes of
novice boats - this applies to you too.


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