[CUCBC Coxes] Pre-bumps meetings - schedule for Sunday 8th June

Laura Sutcliffe cubc at cucbc.org
Thu May 22 16:28:55 UTC 2008

Dear All,

Below is the timetable for pre-bumps meetings.
Please check to see which ones apply to you and whether you need to look out
for any further information.
They will take place on Sunday 8th June in the Latimer Room at Clare, which
is on the ground floor of E staircase, Old Court.

Here's the order of play:

5pm CUBC Open meeting (Hon Sec election) - Details will be distributed to
those entitled to vote.
5.45pm Captains meeting - Captains, see further email to Captains list
6.30pm Umpires - RTT; I've seen you in Cambridge so no excuses about being
in New Zealand this year.....
7.15 Senior coxes - Further info in emails to coxes list
7.45 Coxing rep election - Further info in emails to coxes list
8.15 Novice coxes - Further info in emails to coxes list

Any questions, I am surgically stuck to my computer most of the day.


CUBC Honorary Secretary
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