[CUCBC Coxes] Cox needed for X-Press Ladies

Miranda Fyfe mfyfe at freeuk.com
Tue Jul 1 12:34:25 UTC 2008

Further to my earlier message, Sue has asked me to correct it: they are
in fact the X-Press 1st Ladies Boat, not the second as I had said.

On Sun, 2008-06-29 at 11:14 +0100, Miranda Fyfe wrote:
> [Sending on behalf of a fellow Town rower]
> Any coxes staying in Cambridge over the summer, and want to continue to
> cox after your rowers have gone away? Maybe even experience the Town
> Bumps which are from 22nd to 25th July...
> X-Press Ladies second boat are trying to go out Saturday & Sunday at
> 9am, and Tuesday at 7pm, with the possibility of Thursday at 7pm if the
> other slots don't come off. As they're completely without cox at the
> moment, anything you can do would be hugely appreciated.
> Please contact their boat organiser direct:
> Sue Sutcliffe
> H: 01223 874 008
> M: 07762 375 097
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